Page 194 - Christies March 15 2017 Fujita Museum
P. 194

~524  A MAGNIFICENT AND HIGHLY IMPORTANT                                               商晚期 安陽 青銅饕餮紋方罍
      FANGLEI                                                                          來源

      LATE SHANG DYNASTY, ANYANG, 13TH-11TH CENTURY BC                                 大阪藤田美術館珍藏,入藏於1940年前。

      The decoration on each of the four sides of the high-shouldered, tapering        展覽
      body is arranged in horizontal registers divided by vertical fanges which are
      repeated at the corners. The two lower registers are cast in relief with large   東京國立博物館,《東洋美術展:東洋館開館紀念》,1968年10月12日至
      taotie masks, one of which is centered by a D-shaped handle surmounted by        12月1日。
      an animal mask. In the register above, a forehead shield symbolizing a taotie    大阪,藤田美術館,《中國古美術展》,1978年春。
      mask is fanked by a pair of birds, which are repeated on the rectangular
      neck. The rounded shoulder is cast with pairs of dragons separated on two        文獻
      sides by an animal mask in high relief, and on the other two, narrower sides,
      with a pair of animal-mask-surmounted, D-shaped handles that suspend             《藤田美 術 館 所 藏 品圖 錄》,卷 一,藤田美 術 館,大 阪,19 5 4 年,編 號 78。
      loose rings cast with four eye patterns. All of the decoration is cast in crisp  水野清一,《殷周青銅器與玉》,東京,1959年,80頁。
      relief and reserved on leiwen grounds. The surface has a dark green patina.      梅原末治,《日本蒐儲支那古銅精華》,卷一,大阪,1959年,編號18。
                                                                                       貝塚 茂 樹 編,《世界 美 術 全 集:中國 1,殷、周、戰 國》,卷 12,東 京,19 6 2 年,
      25 in. (63.5 cm.) high, gold and silver-inlaid wood stand, Japanese double       編號36。
      wood box                                                                         《東洋美術:東洋館開館紀念》,東京國立博物館,1968,67頁,編號275。
      $5,000,000-8,000,000                                                             《藤田美術館名品圖錄》,藤田美術館,東京,1972年,編號435。
      PROVENANCE                                                                       林巳奈夫,《殷周時代青銅器的研究》,卷一(圖版),東京,1984年,291頁,
      Fujita Museum, Osaka, acquired prior to 1940.                                    樋口隆康, 圓城寺次郎編,《中國青銅器百選》,東京,1984年,編號53。

      EXHIBITED                                                                        盛酒器。蓋作四阿式,蓋頂為四阿式鈕。直頸、大弧肩、收腹、矮圈足,八道長條
      Tokyo National Museum, Exhibition of Eastern Art: Celebrating the Opening        均飾倒置的饕餮紋。器直口外壁飾相對的夔鳳紋,弧肩面內側飾凸弦紋,肩面紋
      of the Gallery of Eastern Antiquities, 12 October to 1 December 1968.            帶由相對的大角夔紋組成,前後面中間置圓雕犧首,兩側置C形獸首耳,銜環。
      Osaka, Fujita Museum, Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Art, Spring 1978.            腹部滿紋飾,分三段,上為相對的兩夔鳳紋,中為回勾角饕餮紋,下為下勾角饕
      L I T E R AT U R E                                                               雕 型,上 加 飾 以 陰 線,下以 細 密雲 雷 紋 襯 地。

      Masterpieces in The Fujita Museum of Art, vol. 1: Arts and Crafts, Fujita        商晚期 安陽 青銅犠首饕餮虺龍文方罍
      Museum, Osaka, 1954, no. 78.
      Seiichi Mizuno, Bronzes and Jades of Ancient China,Tokyo, 1959, p. 80.
      Sueji Umehara, Nihon shucho shina kodo seika (Selected Relics of Ancient
      Chinese Bronzes from Collections in Japan), vol. 1, Osaka, Yamanaka & Co.,
      1959, no. 18.
      Shigeki Kaizuka, ed., Sekai Bijutsu Zenshu: Chugoku 1, Yin, Shu, Sengoku
      (Complete Collection of the World’s Art: China 1 Yin, Zhou, and the Warring
      States), vol. 12, Tokyo, 1962, no. 36.
      Exhibition of Eastern Art: Celebrating the Opening of the Gallery of Eastern
      Antiquities, Tokyo National Museum, 1968, p. 67, no. 275.
      Seiichi Mizuno, Asiatic Art in Japanese Collections: Chinese Archaic Bronzes,
      vol. 5, Tokyo, 1968, pl. 37.
      Masterpieces in The Fujita Museum of Art, Fujita Museum, Tokyo, 1972,
      no. 435.
      Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Art, Fujita Museum, Osaka, 1978, p. 3, no. 1.
      Minao Hayashi, In Shu jidai seidoki no kenkyu (Conspectus of Yin and Zhou
      Bronzes), vol. 1 (plates), Tokyo, 1984, p. 291, lei no. 23.
      Takayasu Higuchi, Jiro Enjoji, ed., Chugoku seidoki hyakusen (100 Selected
      Chinese Archaic Bronzes), Tokyo, 1984, no. 53.

                                                                                         Please note that the use of the symbol ~ for this particular lot is in reference
                                                                                       only to the accompanying wood stand [or box/other as applicable] for the lot.

                                                                                                             Please contact the sale coordinator if you have any questions.

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