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526  A HIGHLY IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY                                                 商晚期 青銅羊觥
     VESSEL, GONG                                                                     來源

     LATE SHANG DYNASTY, 13TH-11TH CENTURY BC                                         大阪藤田美術館珍藏,入藏於1940年前。

     The animal is cast standing foursquare and ftted with an elongated cover         展覽
     ending in a ram’s head with prominent C-shaped horns. The top of the cover
     is decorated with a pair of kui dragons and a taotie mask and is set with a      東京,日本經濟新聞社,《中國殷周銅器展》,1958年11月25日至12月7日。
     standing kui dragon with curling tail and a small standing bird at the center.   大阪,日本經濟新聞社,《古代中國青銅器名品展》,1960年8月30日至9月11
     The body is cast on each side with a large crested bird, its clawed foot         日。
     extending downward onto the legs of the ram and its elongated tail curling       東京國立美術館,《東洋美術展:東洋館開館紀念》,1968年10月12日至12月
     around the ram’s haunch. The chest of the ram is further decorated with          1日。
     a pair of crouching tigers. All of the decoration is cast in shallow relief and
     reserved on leiwen grounds. The patina is of yellowish-brown color.              文獻

     8¬ in. (22 cm.) long, Japanese double wood box                                   《藤田美 術 館 所 藏 品圖 錄》,卷 一,藤田美 術 館,大 阪,19 5 4 年,編 號 74。
     $6,000,000-8,000,000                                                             《古代中國青銅器名品展》,日本經濟新聞社,大阪,1960年,編號18。
     PROVENANCE                                                                       貝塚 茂 樹 編,《世界 美 術 全 集:中國 1,殷、周、戰 國》,卷 12,東 京,19 6 2 年,編
     Fujita Museum, Osaka, acquired prior to 1940.                                    《東洋美術:東洋館開館紀念》,東京國立博物館,1968,62頁,編號245。
     EXHIBITED                                                                        《藤田美術館名品圖錄》,藤田美術館,東京,1972年,編號91。
     Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc., Chugoku In Shu dokiten (Exhibition of          匜24。
     Chinese Bronzes from Yin and Zhou Dynasties), 25 November-7 December             樋口隆康, 圓城寺次郎編,《中國青銅器百選》,東京,1984年,編號20。
     1958.                                                                            容庚,《殷周青銅器通考》,北京,1984年(2012年再版),50頁,圖74。
     Osaka, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc., Kodai Chugoku Seidoki Meihinten                Robert W. Bagley,《Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler
     (Exhibition of Masterpieces of Ancient Chinese Bronzes), 30 August-11            Collections》,華盛頓,1987年,420頁。
     September 1960.                                                                  《中國美術全集:工藝美術編4》,北京,1990年,114頁,編號123。
     Tokyo National Museum, Exhibition of Eastern Art: Celebrating the Opening        朱鳳瀚,《古代中國青銅器》,天津,1995,195頁,圖3.34.4。
     of the Gallery of Eastern Antiquities, 12 October to 1 December 1968.            《中國青銅器全集:商(4)》,卷4,北京,1998年,89頁,編號90。
     L I T E R AT U R E                                                               小南一郎, 《古代中国天命と青銅器》,京都,2006,頁59。

     Masterpieces in the The Fujita Museum of Art, vol. 1: Arts and Crafts, Fujita    觥作羊形,四足立地,背部設蓋,以子口與腹扣合。羊首向前,大而粗壯的羊角
     Museum, Osaka, 1954, no. 74.                                                     彎曲上卷。眼後向兩側斜出一對小耳。蓋面隆鼓,脊上爬一片狀夔龍,兩側飾反
     Chugoku In Shu dokiten (Exhibition of Chinese Bronzes from Yin and Zhou          向的夔紋。蓋脊尾飾一片狀立鳥,尾下垂接蓋。蓋尾飾饕餮紋,以立鳥之左右對
     Dynasties), Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc., Tokyo, 1958, no. 16.                      稱展開。腹部前胸兩側置頭向上的淺浮雕虎紋,腹飾大鳳鳥紋,均以細密雲雷
     Kodai Chugoku Seidoki Meihinten (Exhibition of Masterpieces of Ancient           紋 襯 地。
     Chinese Bronzes), Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc., Osaka, 1960, no. 18.
     Sueji Umehara, Nihon shucho shina kodo seika (Selected Relics of Ancient         商晚期  青銅鳳龍文山羊觥
     Chinese Bronzes from Collections in Japan), vol. 4, Osaka, 1961, no. 267.
     Shigeki Kaizuka, ed., Sekai Bijutsu Zenshu: Chugoku 1, Yin, Shu, Sengoku
     (Complete Collection of the World’s Art: China1 Yin, Zhou, and the Warring
     States), vol.12, Tokyo, 1962, no. 9.
     Exhibition of Eastern Art: Celebrating the Opening of the Gallery of Eastern
     Antiquities, Tokyo National Museum, 1968, p. 62, no. 245.
     Seiichi Mizuno, Asiatic Art in Japanese Collections: Chinese Archaic Bronzes,
     vol. 5, Tokyo, 1968, pl. 47.
     Masterpieces in The Fujita Museum of Art, Fujita Museum, Tokyo, 1972,
     no. 91.
     Minao Hayashi, In Shu jidai seidoki no kenkyu (Conspectus of Yin and Zhou
     Bronzes), vol. 1 (plates), Tokyo, 1984, p. 373, yi no. 24.
     Takayasu Higuchi, Jiro Enjoji, ed., Chugoku seidoki hyakusen (100 Selected
     Chinese Archaic Bronzes), Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 1984, no. 20.
     Rong Geng, Yin Zhou qingtongqi tonglun (Conspectus of Yin and Zhou
     Bronzes), Beijing, 1984 (reprinted in 2012),p. 50, pl. 74.
     Robert W. Bagley, Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections,
     Washington D.C., 1987, p. 420.
     Zhongguo meishu quanji: gongyimeishu 4, qingtong (I), (Complete Collection
     of Chinese Art: Works of Art 4, Bronze 1), Beijing, 1990, p. 114, no. 123.
     Zhu Fenghan, Gudai zhongguo qingtongqi (Ancient Chinese Bronzes),
     Tianjin, 1995, p. 195, fg. 3.34.4.
     Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji: Shang (4) (Complete Collection of Chinese
     Bronzes: Shang), vol.4, Beijing, 1998, p. 89, no. 90.
     Ma Chengyuan, Zhongguo qingtongqi (Chinese Bronzes), Shanghai, 2003,
     p. 233, fg. 13.
     Ichirou Kominami, Kodai Chugoku Tenmeito Seidouki (Ancient China, Decree
     and Archaic Bronzes), Kyoto, 2006, p. 59.

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