Page 270 - Christies March 15 2017 Fujita Museum
P. 270
531 A RARE FOUR-SIDED STONE 隋 彩繪砂岩雕四面造像碑
SUI DYNASTY (AD 581-618)
One side is carved with Buddha Shakyamuni seated in dhyanasana and
dressed in heavy robes that fall in voluminous folds over the pedestal throne 展覽
on which he sits. His right hand is held in abhaya mudra and his left in varada
mudra. He is fanked by a pair of disciples, Ananda and Mahakashyapa, 大阪,藤田美術館,《中國繪畫と文房具》,1983年春。
a pair of bodhisattvas wearing braided belts and low caps, and a pair of
attendants kneeling before a boshanlu-type censer below. The group is set 砂岩製,碑四面開龕造像,上有彩繪。碑陽開一帷幕華飾龕,内浮雕以跏趺坐佛
within a curtained niche with tassels on both sides and abundant foliage 為主尊的一鋪五尊造像,下方刻二供養人跪於博山香爐前。碑陰主龕雕彌勒菩
above. The reverse is carved with a pair of standing bodhisattvas fanking 薩坐像及二脅侍菩薩。碑兩側各開一龕,雕一佛及一菩薩立於蓮座之上。
the Bodhisattva Maitreya seated at center with his hands held in abhaya and
varada mudras and his feet resting on lotus blossoms. The group is set within 日本高野山靈寶館藏有一件隋石雕四面造像碑,其陰陽兩面亦刻有釋迦牟尼佛
a niche surmounted by an ogival arch. The narrow sides are carved with 及彌勒菩薩,載於松原三郎著1995年東京出版《中國佛教雕刻史論》,圖版編
standing representations of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva Maitreya. 二,編 號 5 4 5。(圖 一)
22√ in. (58.1 cm.) high, wood stand, Japanese wood box 隋 彩色砂岩造四面五尊仏碑像
Fujita Museum, Osaka, acquired prior to 1940.
Osaka, Fujita Museum, Chinese Painting and Scholars Objects Exhibition,
Spring, 1983.
A stone stele in the Reihokan Museum similarly carved with Shakayamuni
Buddha and the Bodhisattva Maitreya, and dated to the Sui dynasty,
is illustrated by Satburo Matsubara in The Path of Chinese Buddhist
Sculpture, vol. 2, Later Six Dynasties and Sui, Tokyo, 1995, no. 545. (Fig. 1)
268 IMPORTANT CHINESE ART FROM THE FUJITA MUSEUM Fig. 1. Stone Buddhist stele, Sui dynasty. Reihokan Museum
collection. After Satburo Matsubara, The Path of Chinese
Buddhist Sculpture, vol. 2, Later Six Dynasties and Sui,
Published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan, Tokyo, 1995, no. 545.
圖一 隋 石四面造像碑 高野山靈寶館藏