Page 106 - Christies May 2016
P. 106
78 清乾隆 粉彩連年福壽五子登科瓶 礬紅六字篆書款
A TURQUOISE-GROUND FAMILLE ROSE ‘FIVE BOYS’ VASE 來源: 法國巴黎Pescheteau-Badin拍賣,2014年3月28日,
PERIOD (1736-1795)
The vase is elaborately decorated with bats, eternal knots, peaches and 石綠釉,繪粉彩纏枝蓮、蝙蝠、壽桃、盤長等吉祥圖
multi-coloured lotus sprays, set against a bright turquoise ground. The mouth 案,象徵延年益壽、福到平安。器身及肩頸部以粉彩凸
is encircled by a ruyi border and a band of classic scroll. The short foot is 雕五嬰嬉戲,寓意五子登科,指子孫德才兼備、登科及
decorated with lappets and a key-fret band. The shoulder is moulded with 弟。足內松石綠釉留白礬紅彩「大清乾隆年製」六字篆
two young boys, one holding a ruyi sceptre and the other holding a gold ingot. 書款。此瓶紋飾色彩鮮豔,堆塑奇巧別緻。
Three further boys are depicted to one side, climbing onto the vase. 參考清宮舊藏之乾隆款粉彩凸雕嬰戲瓶,其堆塑手法與
12Ω in. (31.8 cm.) high 此器相似,現藏於北京故宮博物院,載1999年香港出
£300,000-500,000 $430,000-700,000 158頁,圖140。另見一乾隆款松石綠地粉彩團花紋瓶,
€380,000-630,000 凸雕七嬰嬉戲,屬英國著名藏家M. D. Ezekiel先生舊藏,
載1925年倫敦霍布森出版《The Later Ceramic Wares of
PROVENANCE: China》,圖LX,第2號。此例由倫敦佳士得於1930年3月
Pescheteau-Badin, Paris, 28 March 2014, lot 170. 拍賣,拍品211號;後於1978年11月29日在香港蘇富比拍
The depiction of fve boys on the present vase is particularly auspicious, as
it signifes the saying wu zi deng ke, referring to the supreme achievement
of one family whose fve sons passed the civil service examination. The
vase is also an auspicious symbol, as the word for vase, ping, contains the
homophone for the word for peace, ping an.
Several examples of famille rose vessels applied with fgures from the
Qianlong period are known, including a Qianlong underglaze-blue seal mark
and period white ground famille rose vase moulded with three boys from
the Qing Court Collection in the Palace Museum in Beijing, illustrated in
The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 39 - Porcelains
with Cloisonne Enamel Decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, Hong Kong,
1999, p. 158, pl. 140. A turquoise-ground famille rose vase decorated with
colourful foral roundels and moulded with seven boys from the collection of
Mr. M. D. Ezekiel (d. 1927), with an iron-red Qianlong seal mark and of the
period, is illustrated by Hobson in The Later Ceramic Wares of China, London,
1925, pl. LX, fg. 2, and was later sold at Christies London on 18 March 1930
lot 73, then again at Christie’s London on 12 December 1977, lot 211, and
subsequently at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 29 November 1978, lot 318.