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The present cong displays the distinctive characteristic of Liangzhu   玉琮褐綠色,有少許赭紅斑。長方柱形,外方內圓。外表分為五節,
           Culture cong vessels, with a square outer section around a circular   每節以四角為中線,刻簡化人面紋四組,共二十組。紋飾由兩條平行
           inner part and decorated with stylised masks neatly arranged on   凸橫棱、雙重圓圈、凸橫檔構成,分別表示羽冠、眼睛和鼻子。整器
           each of the four corners. Particularly notable in the present cong is   製作規整,雕琢精緻,拋光細膩。
           the fine quality of the delicately incised lines.
           One interpretation of the function of cong is that it symbolised the earth.   及用途眾說紛紜,但從出土墓葬中所發現玉琮之數量足以顯示玉琮在
           Although the precise meaning and use of the cong is not entirely clear,    良渚文化玉器中的特殊地位。目前大多數學者認同玉琮是和某種神袛
           it was found in extensive numbers in Liangzhu tombs and is believed   崇拜有關的禮儀用玉。北京故宮博物院藏一件良渚文化玉琮(高14.8
           to be of great significance. Compare an example of a jade cong also   厘米),墨綠玉質,外表亦分五節,見《故宮博物院藏品大系:玉器
           carved with five registers of stylised masks (14.8cm high), Neolithic   編1新石器時代》,北京,2011年,頁76,編號31;另見1973年江蘇
           period, Liangzhu Culture, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in   省武進縣寺墩出土一件良渚玉琮,尺寸較此拍品稍大(高14.6厘米)
           the Palace Museum: Jade 1 Neolithic Age, Beijing, 2011, p.76, pl.31.   ,著錄於《良渚文化玉器》,香港,1989年,頁39,編號50。
           See also another slightly larger jade cong (14.6cm high), also with five
           registers, excavated in 1973 from Sidun in Wujin, Jiangsu Province,
           illustrated in Liangzhu wenhua yuqi, Hong Kong, 1989, p.39, pl.50.

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