Page 28 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 28

The present bowl, superbly painted in vivid shades of cobalt blue, is   敞口,寬口沿,淺弧壁,圈足。外壁繪纏枝芍藥花八朵,口沿及足圈
           exceptionally rare and only one other very similar example appears to   各飾朵梅一周,口、足、間以八道弦紋分割,近底處飾蓮瓣紋一周。
           have been published; see a blue and white ‘peony scroll’ bowl, Xuande  碗內素面白釉微泛青。青花發色濃艷帶紫。胎骨厚重,圈足平削工
           mark and period, with similar secondary borders painted with plum   整。外口沿下青花書「大明宣德年製」六字一行楷書款。
           blossom florets, but of slightly larger size (29.6cm diam.), illustrated
           by Liao Pao-show A Panorama of Ceramics in the Collection of the   傳世品中如此碗繪纏枝芍藥紋者,目前僅見台北國立故宮博物院
           National Palace Museum: Hsüan-te Ware, vol.I, Taipei, 2000, pp.158-  一例,著錄於廖寶秀,《故宮藏瓷大系:宣德之部(上)》,台北,
           159, no.49. Compare also a similar blue and white ‘peony scroll’ bowl,   2000年,頁158-159,編號49,其尺寸稍大(29.6厘米口徑),口沿
           Xuande mark and period (28.1cm diam.), but with the secondary   及足圈與此碗同樣均繪梅花。另見北京故宮博物院清宮舊藏一件紋飾
           borders painted with lily florets, from the Qing Court Collection,   類似的宣德大碗(28.1厘米口徑),唯有口沿朵花稍有變化,見《故
           illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace   宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:青花釉裏紅(上)》,香港,2000年,頁
           Museum: Blue and White Porcelain with Underglaze Red (I), Hong   154,編號146。
           Kong, 2000, p.154, no.146.
           The Imperial collections include other related bowls with varying main   相同,唯外壁主紋及足圈紋飾不同而已。此類宣德寬口沿大碗,其
           border designs of lotus or peony blossoms, auspicious fruit, lingzhi   款識為六字一行楷書款,固定書於口沿之下,其主體紋飾多有變化,
           fungus, bajixiang emblems, ‘Three Friends of Winter’, and dragon;   包括龍紋、八吉祥紋、纏枝蓮紋,靈芝紋,歲寒三友以及瓜果紋等。
           and with single or double secondary bands variously enclosing plum   台北國立故宮博物院藏有數例可資對比,見廖寶秀,同前著錄,編號
           blossom or lily florets, cloud scrolls, foliate lily, lappets, classic scroll,   41-18及50-52。北京故宮博物院藏繪其他紋樣之例,見同前著錄,編
           and waves; for examples in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, see   號143-145及147-148。
           Liao Pao-show, ibid., nos.41-48, and 50-52; and from the Qing Court
           Collection, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, see ibid., nos.143-145 and   有關此式宣德大碗之功用,有宮中賭具「骰碗」一說,亦有洗筆用器
           147-148.                                          「筆洗」或盛放瓜果之用「果碗」之說,或為宮中祭祀用器,目前尚
           Xuande-marked bowls such as the present lot are typified by their   於其功用的討論,見《天明樓藏瓷》卷二,香港,1987年,頁53。
           sturdy potting, shallow rounded sides, wide mouth and plain interiors,
           and the reign mark written in a line from the right to left below the rim.   香港蘇富比曾售出一件明宣德青花纏枝蓮紋大碗,2017年10月3日,
           The purpose of the bowls remains obscure, but suggestions range   拍品編號3677;另見香港佳士得售出一例,2010年12月1日,拍品編
           from scholarly brush washers, to containers for playing dice and   號3112。
           ‘battle fields’ for fighting crickets, as discussed in Chinese Ceramics:
           The S.C.Ko Tianminlou Collection, Part II, Hong Kong, 1987, p.53.

           A related blue and white ‘lotus scroll’ bowl, Xuande mark and period,
           was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 3 October 2017, lot 3677;
           and see another example, which was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
           1 December 2010, lot 3112.

           Image courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei   Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing
           台北國立故宮博物院藏                              北京故宮博物院藏

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