Page 66 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 66

Wanli mark and period; image courtesy   Chenghua mark and period; image courtesy
           of the Palace Museum, Beijing         of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
           明萬曆,「大明萬曆年製」款,北京故宮博物院藏                明成化,「大明成化年製」款,台北國立故宮博物院藏

           A VERY RARE IMPERIAL DOUCAI ‘BAJIXIANG’ BOWL      the Kangxi period, the present lot still distinguishes itself in its pleasing
           Yongzheng six-character mark and of the period    elegance and refined delicacy of the potting and enamelling. Compare
           Elegantly potted with deeply rounded sides rising from a short straight   the present bowl to the shape and the colour scheme of a doucai bowl
           foot to a gently flared rim, the exterior delicately outlined in underglaze   decorated with dragon medallions, Kangxi mark and period, in the
           blue and enamelled in yellow, aubergine, green and iron-red with   Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in ibid., p.226, no.207.
           the Eight Buddhist Emblems, bajixiang, each emblem supported
           on a blossoming lotus issuing from leafy tendrils, all above a border   Compare also a related example of a doucai ‘bajixiang’ stem bowl,
           of upright lappets, the interior medallion decorated with clumps of   Yongzheng mark and period, which was sold in these Rooms, 29
           bamboo amidst rockwork and a spray of lingzhi fungus, box.   November 2016, lot 20. See another doucai stem bowl also decorated
           15cm (6in) diam. (2).                             with the Eight Buddhist Emblems, which was made under Imperial
                                                             command in the tenth year of the Yongzheng reign (1733) as a gift
           HK$200,000 - 300,000                              to Mongolian nobles, in the Nanjing Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo
           US$26,000 - 38,000                                lidai Jingdezhen ciqi: Qing juan, Beijing, 1998, p.120. Therefore, it is
                                                             possible that the present bowl was specially commissioned for the
                                                             emperor’s personal use or as an Imperial gift.
           清雍正 鬥彩蓮托八吉祥紋碗 青花「大清雍正年製」楷書款
           Provenance:                                       八種吉祥物包括法輪、寶螺、寶傘、寶蓋、蓮花、雙魚、寶瓶和盤
           A distinguished Asian private collection          長,近足處繪仰蓮瓣紋。碗心以鬥彩飾靈芝、湖石、翠竹。碗底書青
           重要亞洲私人收藏                                          此式蓮托八吉祥紋碗創燒明成化年間,見台北國立故宮博物院藏一件
           The design on the present bowl is directly derived from Imperial   圖錄》,台北,2003年,頁145,編號131;至晚明萬曆時期亦有燒
           Chenghua-period porcelain, as can be seen on a blue and white bowl,   造,但數量極少,見北京故宮博物院藏一件明萬曆鬥彩蓮托八寶紋
           missing its overglaze enamel decoration, Chenghua mark and period,   碗,《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:五彩·鬥彩》,香港,2007年,
           in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of the   頁205,編號187。
           Special Exhibition of Ch’eng-Hua Porcelain Ware, Taipei, 2003, p.145,
           no.131. This design inspired later Ming dynasty wares, as can be   此碗胎質細膩,釉彩明麗,其墩形形制及相對濃艷的釉上彩似乎更接
           seen on a similarly decorated bowl, Wanli mark and period, illustrated   近康熙時期類似鬥彩碗的風格,如北京故宮博物院藏一件清康熙鬥彩
           in The Complete Collection of the Treasures of the Palace Museum:   團龍紋碗,著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:五彩·鬥彩》,香
           Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Shanghai, 2007,   港,2007年,頁205,編號207。
           p.205, no.187.
           This bowl still preserves some of the features of the Kangxi wares   11月29日,拍品編號20;另見南京博物館藏類似一例高足碗,著錄於
           including the form with a deeply potted shape and a wide mouth, as   《中國歷代景德鎮瓷器:清卷》,北京,1998年,頁120,據記載該
           well as a relatively more opaque doucai palette, suggesting an early   類高足碗於雍正十年二月奉命燒造,專為賞賜蒙古王公之用,因此此
           date in the Yongzheng reign. However, whilst probably near in date to   碗亦或為清宮對蒙藏貴族的賞賜之物。

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