Page 74 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 74

The doucai ‘dragon’ dish is very rare with similar examples in important  盤折沿,弧腹,圈足。盤外壁以青花加彩飾四隻鳳凰,間以祥雲。盤
           museum collections; see a similar dish in the Victoria and Albert   心以綠彩繪正面五爪戲珠龍紋,龍首俯視,長牙舞爪,四周圍繞火焰
           Museum, London, museum no.C.45-1928; and another formerly in   及祥雲。盤折沿出則以青花飾五組趕珠龍紋,口沿加金彩。盤底部青
           the Tsui Museum of Art, illustrated in The Tsui Musuem of Art, Chinese   花書「大清雍正年製」六字雙圈雙行楷書款。
           Ceramics IV, Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong, 1995, colour pl.126.
           The dragon decoration on the present dish appears to be a direct   正鬥彩龍鳳紋盤,館藏編號C.45-1928;另見一例,著錄於《徐氏藝
           continuation of the Kangxi period, as demonstrated in the design of   術館:清代陶瓷IV》,香港,1995年,彩圖126。
           the dragon on a polychrome enamelled dish, Kangxi, illustrated in
           The Complete Collection of the Treasures of the Palace Museum:   此類盤心繪正面五爪龍的盤子在康熙亦有燒造,或為雍正早期作品。
           Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Shanghai, 2007,   康熙一例,見北京故宮博物院藏五彩雲龍紋盤,《故宮博物院藏文物
           p.117, pl.107. The similarity of the central design to the Kangxi period   珍品大系:五彩·鬥彩》,香港,2007年,編號107。相比可見,雍正
           example indicates an early Yongzheng date for the present lot, which   之例釉彩更加鮮豔,繪畫也更加細緻。
           is however of a more refined quality in its potting and enamelling
           characteristic of the Yongzheng period.

           Image courtesy of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London

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