Page 80 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 80

PROPERTY FROM AN ENGLISH PRIVATE COLLECTION       The present lot is remarkable for the crisp relief carving of the motifs
           英國私人收藏                                            as well as the fluid quality of the carving emphasised by the elegant
                                                             sinuous curve of the sceptre, enhanced by the refined smoothly-
           22                                                polished stone.
           18th/19th century                                 This ruyi sceptre is abundant with auspicious connotations by means
           The large ruyi-shaped terminal carved in relief with a leafy branch of   of puns and rebuses. Ruyi means ‘as you wish’, and therefore the
           radiating peony surrounded by a leafy cluster and a bat in flight, the   presentation of a ruyi sceptre would have been deemed as bestowing
           thick arched shaft deftly carved in low relief with a gnarled leafy branch   good luck. The blooming peony (fuguihua 富貴花) is regarded as
           of peaches, above a flowering clump of narcissus at the bottom with   an emblem symbolising wealth and honour, while the narcissus
           a bat forming the end, the bottom edge pierced for threading a tassel,   (shuixianhua 水仙花) has the word ‘immortal’ in its name; together,
           the smoothly polished stone of an even pale green tone.   they form the homonym shenxian fugui 神仙富貴, meaning ‘may you
           32.3cm (12 3/4in) long                            be blessed with longevity, wealth and honour’. In addition, the two
                                                             peaches carved in low relief at the centre of the shaft represent the
                                                             wish for longevity. The combination of peach, bats and the ruyi sceptre
           HK$200,000 - 300,000                              forms the rebus fushou ruyi 福壽如意, which symbolises blessings,
           US$26,000 - 38,000                                longevity and fulfillment of all wishes.

           十八/十九世紀 青白玉雕壽桃蝙蝠如意                                The Yongzheng Emperor revived the tradition of presentation of ruyi
                                                             sceptres by commissioning examples in various prized materials
           Provenance:                                       including jade, jadeite, turquoise, zitan, and filigree work. The
           Edward Ford Duncanson (1833-1899), and thence by descent.    importance of the ruyi sceptre was further reinforced by the Qianlong
                                                             Emperor, who officially called upon courtiers to present ruyi sceptres
           來源:                                               at Imperial birthdays and New Year celebrations. The superb quality of
           愛德華·福德·鄧肯森(1883-1899),後由家族繼承                      the present jade sceptre would have made it suitable as such a gift.

                                                             The exceptional quality, design and skilful carving of the present lot can
                                                             be compared to a number of pale green jade examples of larger size, in
                                                             the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in
                                                             the Palace Museum: Jade 8 Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pls.60 and 62.

                                                             Compare a related but larger pale celadon jade ‘quail and millet’ ruyi
                                                             sceptre, 18th/19th century, which was sold at Sotheby’s London,
           Edward Ford Duncanson was a merchant and banker in the   5 November 2014, lot 3; a further related larger white jade ruyi sceptre,
           China trade. During his lifetime he was a partner of TA Gibb   Qianlong, carved with bat, peaches, narcissus and lingzhi, was sold at
           & Co., as well as a director of London & County Bank, Hong   Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 June 2011, lot 3562; and see another related
           Kong & Shanghai Bank, and The P&O Company (from 1888   white jade ruyi sceptre, 18th century, of similar size, which was sold at
           onwards).                                         Christie’s Hong Kong, 6 April 2015, lot 46.
           愛德華·福德生前從事對華金融及貿易行業。他曾是多家知名                       修長彎曲,拱面浮雕壽桃,柄端雕南天竹及蝙蝠,柄背面雕祥雲蝙蝠。
           洋行的合夥人,包括TA Gibb & Co.公司等,並曾先後擔任倫
           敦銀行、匯豐銀行董事總監,並在1888年後任大英輪船公司                      雲頭如意最早見於唐墓出土。到宋代,發展成為室內之陳設,明晚期
           董事。                                               更成為文房不可或缺之物。清代以降,因其吉祥寓意,如意是大臣祝



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