Page 98 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 98

Images courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing 北京故宮博物院藏

           The present pair of cups is very rare, belonging to a small group of   小杯敞口,弧腹,臥足。其中一杯外壁五彩通景繪鷸蚌相爭圖,河邊
           exquisitely enamelled polychrome wares, including cups, small bowls   飾山石錯落,蘆葦叢生,流水潺潺,淺灘處一隻鷸鳥欲啄食蚌肉,
           and saucer-dishes, finely decorated with scholars in idealised natural   頭部夾在蚌殼之中,正撲翅掙扎,近處一漁翁身背魚簍,挽起褲腿及
           retreats, dating to the early part of the Yongzheng reign. Compare two   袖子,雙手探出,正逐步靠近正在爭鬥的鷸和蚌,準備將其捉住。刻
           closely related bowls (9.6cm diam.), Yongzheng marks and period, the   畫細緻,畫面生動。另一杯則以五彩繪一蒼松高仕圖,一高仕依樹幹
           first decorated with a scholar and attendant by a riverbank gazing at   凝思,樹幹一直延伸至外壁另一面,並襯以洞石,間以一「竹居」紅
           geese, and the second with a scholar leaning on a pine tree, illustrated   印。兩杯底部均書青花方形雙框「大清雍正年製」楷書款。
           in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum:
           Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Hong Kong, 1999,   雍正一朝,因逐漸注重粉彩,傳世之五彩瓷極為稀少,所見者皆為精
           nos.155-156; see also a related polychrome enamelled bowl and   品。此對杯造型規整靈巧,釉面光亮勻淨,釉色清新淡雅,調配得
           cover, Yongzheng marks and period, enamelled with Zhongli Quan   當,繪工細膩,用筆纖細,人物景緻的佈局縮小,頗有康熙晚期官窯
           seated near a pine tree and Zhang Guolao with his mule, in the Victoria  瓷器繪畫遺風,屬於雍正早期作品。雍正時期的釉上五彩繪畫,受
           and Albert Museum, London, museum no.597&A-1907.   當時淡雅風格的影響,摻入了粉彩的多層次技法,繪畫清新靜謐。
           The subject on one of the cups showing the fisherman attempting to   風格均為類似,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:五彩·鬥彩》,香
           catch the fighting snipe and clam, is taken from the ancient Chinese   港,2007年,編號155及156,另見同著錄一件清雍正五彩蝙蝠葫蘆
           literature of the Warring States period Zhan Guo Ce, ‘Strategies of the   紋盌,同樣帶有青花雙框六字雙行楷書底款,編號157;另對比英國
           Warring State’. The text describes the strategies and political views of the   維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館藏一件清雍正五彩繪八仙人物蓋碗,其用
           School of Diplomacy and reveals the historical and social characteristics   彩及繪畫風格相類,館藏編號597&A-1907。
           of the period; the text records the story of the envoy Su Dai from the State
           of Yan who successfully convinced King Hui of Zhao to abandon his plan
           for an invasion by telling him the story that when snipe and clam fight, the   「鷸蚌相爭」典出《戰國策·燕策》。戰國時期,趙國伐燕,謀士蘇代
           fisherman gets both and neither of the rivals win.   為燕國遊說趙惠王:「今者臣來,過易水。蚌方出曝,而鷸啄其肉,

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