Page 39 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Chang e Wha Collection of Jades
P. 39


             《爾雅·釋器》記載:「肉(周圍的邊)倍好(中間的孔)                       顆粒較大,起凸淺,顆粒上部渾圓,紋樣精細;同時與龍紋、
             謂之璧,好倍肉謂之瑗,肉好若一謂之環。」是指片狀圓形                       鳳鳥紋、獸面紋、捲雲紋與吉祥文字的組合紋飾更是精采紛
             玉器根據中央孔徑的大小,分為玉璧、玉瑗、玉環 三種。                       陳;玉環上則多飾以情態豐富的透雕龍紋、鳳鳥紋…,雕工
             器孔徑與器體的比例,並沒有嚴格的規定,因此習慣上寬邊                       漢代玉器的製作,在器形、紋飾及工藝技術的發展上,都達
             小孔徑統稱為「璧」,而窄邊大孔徑的稱為「環」,「瑗」                       到歷史的高峰。以「玉珮」來說,不論是組玉或單件,造型、
             就很少用了。                                           紋樣、圖式都充滿動態與變化,不拘泥於前朝傳承,而更具
             玉璧,是中國玉器中出現最早並延續不斷的品種,《周禮·                       型中,以龍、鳳紋為主要紋飾,輔以螭紋、勾連雲紋…,



             In one of the oldest Chinese dictionary, Erya, it is recorded: ‘Those   The Han Dynasty saw abundant productions of jade  bi and huan
             with a wall thickness twice the diameter of the aperture, we call   discs. They come in many different forms: two-tier-decorated bi;
             bi; those with a diameter of the aperture twice the thickness of the   three-tier-decorated bi; flanged bi; conjoined bi; and pierced two-
             wall, we call yuan; those with equal thickness of wall to diameter of   tiered bi etc., with a wider range of usage. These are richly decorated,
             aperture, we call huan.’ Thus the proportion of the aperture to the   with larger, rounder and flatter studs on the grain pattern, rush-
             wall determine whether a jade disc is called bi, yuan or huan.  mat pattern and nipple pattern, combined with dragon, phoenix,
                                                              animal, cloud patterns or auspicious characters to stunning effect.
             However, from excavated objects we find that there is not a strict   The jade huan are often pierced with expressive dragon and phoenix
             ratio when fashioning these discs. Therefore, generally speaking,   decoration in fine craftsmanship.
             those with a small aperture are called bi, while those with a large
             aperture are called huan, while yuan is seldom used.   Jade production in the Han Dynasty, whether in form, decoration
                                                              or craftsmanship, all reached a zenith in their development.
             Jade bi discs are the earliest and most enduring type of jade objects   The jade pendants, for example, whether they are in sets or single
             made in China. In the Zhouli (Rites of Zhou) it is recorded that:  pendant, their form, decoration and composition are all dynamic
                                                              and variable, and do not blindly follow previous examples. They
             ‘Jade is used to make six objects, in order to pay respects to the   are decorated primarily with dragon and phoenix, with chilong and
             heaven, earth and the four directions. The indigo bi for heaven; the   joined cloud scrolls as secondary decoration, and finely executed by
             yellow cong for earth; the azure gui for east; the vermillion zhang for   techniques such as yousi incised decoration, pierced decoration, relief
             south; the white hu for west; the black huang for north.’ This shows   decoration etc.
             the high status of bi amongst ritual objects.

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