Page 51 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 51

58. Saucer.Chinese (American market), ca. I795.Hard              57. Covered Tureen. Chinese
paste. Diam. 6/4 in. I55.9cm). Rogers Fund, 1928                 (American market), early Igth
                                                                 century.Hard paste. H. with cover
 (28.83)                                                        io 3/4in. (27.3 cm).HelenaWoolworth
                                                                 McCann Collection, Gift of Winfield
 Thirty-threechestsofporcelain,including n4boxof China          FoundationI,95I (51.86.334a, b)
                                                                 Thisis oneof themorestrikingporcelains
for Lady Washington",werepart of the cargoof theship             to emergefromtheAmericantradewith
Lady Louisa, a vesselcharteredbyA. E. van Braam                  China. Thefourquadrantsof theso-called
Houckgeest (1739-180o), commercial director of the Dutch         Fitzhughpattern ofleavesandflowers,
East India Company;it sailedfom China aroundthe           * renderedin brilliantgreenenamelss, erve
 Capeof GoodHopeand arrivedin Philadelphiaon                     to contrastwith and accentuatethelarge
April25, 1796. Thedesignof theserviceis distinctiveand          spreadeagleclutchingan olivebranchand
wasprobablyvan BraamHouckgeest'oswn. Martha                      a bundleofarrowsin its talons.Such
 Washington'initials adornthe centerofthisplate on a            porcelainsoftenfeaturetheshieldof the
gold circularreserve,fromwhichemanatethe raysof a                UnitedStatesin thecenteroftheeagle's
sunburst.Theinscriptionemblazonedbelowon a banner,               bodyy, et heretheshieldencloseas mono-
Decus et Tutamen Ab Illo (Agloryand deftnsefrom                 gram orinitials-in thiscasean M-
it), was takenfromVirgil'sAeneid. Theborderfeatures              that wouldhave beenpaintedonsite
a circleoffifteenoval chainlinks,eachof whichcontains            in Cantonper instructiongsiven bythe
the nameof an individualstate;the messageis of strength         purchaser.
and union. Thechainlinksarefurtherencircledby a
slenderblueserpentbiting its tail, symbolizingeternity.                                                        53
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