Page 57 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 57

63. Partial Service. Chinese (American
market), ca. i860-66. Hard paste. Diam.
of large plate (.40) I37/8 in. (35.2 cm).
Gift of Elizabeth Hazard and Marion H.
McVitty, in memory of their mother,
Mrs. Lauriston H. Hazard, 1960
(6o.III33a, b; .34, .39, .40, .47, .48, .56-.58,

.135, .171, .203, .207-.209)

Daniel Paine (i808-i866), a merchantin
Providence,RhodeIsland, ordereda large
serviceof nearlytwo hundredpieceso, f
whichthis is a selection,forhis wife, Louisa
ThurberPaine (1806-i880). Eachpiecedis-
playsfamille rosedecorationtypicalof the
periodfromabouti850 to i87o,featuring
shapedreserveswithflowers, birds,and
butterJfiews ithin a groundofgreen orna-
mentedwith tightlyspacedscrollsin gold.
For manyyearsservicesof a scalecom-
parableto this oneremainedinfavor with
Americans;the mostnotablecustomerswere
UlyssesS. Grant (1822-1885)and his wife,
who ordered3Ispiecesin i868, shortlybefore
he assumedthepresidency.Typically,oneor
moreinitials in a decorativestyle,enclosed
in a central,circularreserve,as here,replace
thepersonalizedpseudo-armorialosf decades
earlier.Louisa Paine'sornateLP cipher
appearsat the centerof eachpiece.

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