Page 8 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 8
Sale Information
AFTER SALE COLLECTION by the seventh working day after 所有香港銀行及其分行的港幣個人 value if payment is made in person.
the Sale. This applies even if the 支票:
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存放費用 買家須將成功所購得之全部拍賣品
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每月將向買家徵收存放費用800港 賣會後七個工作天內所有款項可 deduction of any bank fees and/
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PAYMENT 希望把所購得之拍賣品運至香港以 must not be less than the Hong 於需要確認授權而造成延誤。
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Purchases can only be released 請出口執照,這條款依然適用。在 set out on the invoice.
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Sale so that all sums are cleared Visa and Mastercard only. There
is a HK$200,000 limit on payment