Page 59 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Fine Buddhist Works of Art
P. 59


A RARE ENGRAVED AND GILT-                                              明永樂  朱漆戧金如意寶珠吉祥紋經文挾板
SUTRA COVER                                                            來源
YONGLE PERIOD (1403-1425)
The slightly convex surface is finely engraved and gilt in qiangjin    紋,板心飾八吉祥紋中之輪、螺、傘、蓋,中央的寶瓶座上置三如
technique in the centre with the triple ‘flaming’ jewel, triratna,     意寶珠;較窄的一側飾纏枝蓮紋,另一側飾獅面卷草紋。背髹紅素
raised on an amrita vase which is flanked by four of the bajixiang,    漆。
including the Wheel of law, umbrella, canopy and conch shell,
each supported by a cushion nestled in a lotus blossom borne on        紐約大都會博物館曾展覽過一對相似例,見1991年紐約出版《East
a scrolling and enclosing leafy tendril, bordered by a row of lotus    Asian Lacquer: The Florence and Herbert Irving Collection》,頁116-
petals beneath a band of classic scroll. One narrow side is decorated  117。李氏家族舊藏一例,2009 年12 月1 日於香港佳士得專拍中拍
with a lion mask flanked by classic scrolls, the other side with       賣,拍品1821 號。另一對有刻字「大般若經第十二卷—宜聖大智慧
scrolling lotus. The underside is applied with plain red lacquer.      到到彼岸千百頌」,2012年11月28日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品2260
31 º in. (79.5 cm.) long                                               號。

HK$120,000-180,000        US$16,000-23,000


Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong, 1998

Compare a pair of similar covers, dated c. 1410, published by
J.C.Y. Watt and B.B. Ford, East Asian Lacquer: The Florence
and Herbert Irving Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York, 1991, pp. 116-7, where the authors note that these
lacquered covers provide the earliest examples of Ming-style
qiangjin work. Developed during the Southern Song period,
qiangjin is a technique where channels carved into a lacquer
groove are then filled with gold leaf or powder. The covers
demonstrate an evolution in this technique from a more sharply
cut free-form incision with a straight-edged instrument to a
U-shaped groove produced with a channelling tool resulting in
evenly spaced incisions.

A further set is illustrated by R.D. Jacobsen, Appreciating China,
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2002, no. 48. A set from the Lee
Family Collection was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, Important
Chinese Lacquer from the Lee Family Collection, Part II, 1 December
2009, lot 1821. An inscribed pair was sold at Christie’s Hong
Kong, 28 November 2012, lot 2260.


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