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he aim of the Bodhimanda Foundation from its conception was to spread knowledge about the
material and immaterial culture of Tantric Buddhism. This has been achieved through the publication
T and display of the collection and also through research, publications and lectures. The collection and
its accompanying story express the hidden power of Buddhist rituals, which are in fact nothing more than
highly effective, dramatised forms of meditation. These rituals have been used for centuries to influence the
environment positively and as an aid on the road to higher consciousness and inner awakening.
As explained on their website (, Bodhimanda means ‘the place of
enlightenment’. Every place where our eyes open to the enlightened reality is the place of enlightenment.
The logo is the Amrita vase with the elixir of life, from which sprouts the lotus that carries the beggar’s nap
containing the Bodhi tree, under which Siddhartha received enlightenment.
The Bodhimanda Collection encompasses the full breadth of the Tibetan ritual tradition. These two
magnificent bronzes, the largest and most important Chinese works of art in the collection, encapsulate the
extent to which the greatest emperors of the early Ming dynasty fell under the spell of Vajrayana Buddhism.
In their adamantine glory, they provide us with a lens directly into the heart of the early Ming court. It is
that same priceless quality of theirs which will ensure, now they are being released on to the market and
entrusted to a new home, that the proceeds will provide the funds for a permanent display for the collection
in a museum environment.
Ultimately, everything is impermanent, and as the wheel of time saw these two magnificent sculptures
created at the heart of the Ming Imperial court embark on a long journey culminating in exhibitions at
western museums, now it is also their time to move on to a new home, where we are confident their
priceless role in spreading knowledge of Tantric Buddhism will endure.
The Bodhimanda Foundation Senior Vice President
Julian King
Sotheby’s New York
菩提曼拏羅基金會之宗旨乃為傳播密宗佛教物質與 菩提曼拏羅基金會藏品涵蓋藏傳佛教傳統儀式當中
非物質文化知識,透過出版及展覽基金會珍藏之佛 所有重要禮器,其中兩尊珍貴銅像乃收藏中尺寸最宏
教藝術品,以及研究和講座等途徑實現願景。基金會 大、最重要之中國藝術品,展示明初幾代皇帝篤信藏
藏品及相關藏品之故事,極能展現佛教儀式背後力 傳佛教之虔誠。兩尊佛像寶相莊嚴,後人從中可直接
量,而佛教儀式,則可視作冥想之一種形式,行之有效 體悟明初宮廷之精神世界。基金會策劃將收藏於博
而高度戲劇化,幾個世紀以來對佛法之宣揚影響積 物館長期展出,這次拍賣將珍寶釋出予新藏家,收益
極,協助信徒通往更高意識與內在覺醒之路。 將用於支持此計劃。
如基金會網站www.bodhimandastichting.nl所述, 時間一切,盡是無常。時間巨輪見證兩尊珍貴佛像鑄
菩提曼拏羅即「開悟之地」。假若視野開放,觀望開 於明朝宮廷,經歷千山萬水,終於西方博物館展出,
悟實相,則每處均為開悟之地。基金會以一寳瓶為標 一段旅程結束,又是邁向新領域之時。我們相信,兩
誌,瓶中盛載長生靈藥,並插置一朵荷花,花上承載 尊寶像將繼續傳揚密宗佛法,歷代相傳,無休無止。