Page 11 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 Hong Kong
P. 11


209                                                                         清 師蠡閣款紫泥泥繪山水詩文六方壺
A Yixing slip-decorated hexagonal teapot and cover
Qing dynasty                                                                蓋底:「支泉」篆文方印
The flattened cover surmounted by a six-sided knop flanked, by a ‘C’-       壺底:「師蠡閣」篆文方印
shaped handle and a pointed spout at the sides, slip-painted with a
landscape scene of dwellings above mountain peaks, a pavilion beneath       趙松亭,字支泉,宜興人,清光緒年間宜興紫砂名工,工冶砂壺,工
a willow tree and a traveller rowing a sampan, accompanied by a series      藝卓越。
of kaishu inscription and decorated with keyfret and floral scrolls at the
shoulders and rims, the base with a three-character zhuanshu seal mark,     師蠡閣為晚清舉人,著名教育家童斐(1865-1932)訂制壺款,童斐,
and another two-character zhuanshu seal mark towards the underside          字伯章,愛茗壺,常以「師蠡閣」訂造茗壺,民國五年任北洋政府開辦
of the cover.                                                               的江蘇省立宜興職業學校校長。
17.4cm wide. (2).
HK$60,000 - 100,000
US$7,700 - 13,000

The seal mark carved at the underside of the cover reads ‘zhi ting’, a
style name used by Zhao Songting who was an Yixing potter active
during the Guangxu period. The seal mark at the base reads ‘shi li
ge’, which was the studio name used by the the late Qing dynasty
scholar Tong Fei (1865-1932) when he commissioned Yixing teapots
from famous potters. Tong was appointed the director of the Jiangsu
Provincial School of Yixing Stoneware in 1916.

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