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215 器呈直口、短頸、寬圓肩、修長腹身、平底内挖,半圈足。表現出大弧
A rare Longquan celadon vase, meiping 度曲線,優雅貴氣。釉色清透,翠青瑩潤。
Early Ming dynasty
Heavily potted above a gently splayed foot, rising with steep sides 梅瓶是唐、宋以來的酒器,後到明代中期以後在瓶花風尚下,成插花
towards bulbous body, showing a simplistic horizontal ribbed ring 器。龍泉窯自宋代以來在浙江一帶便有燒製,以出產青瓷盛名,在明代
around the curved shoulders, ending in a short and thick neck with a 更稱「處器」,受皇室之推祟,明太祖在洪武26年所定的制定中,便
circular lipped rim, generously covered all over in a rich green glaze. 將龍泉窯與景德鎮窯並稱,後期更有派官員監督燒製。因此明早期之
34.3cm high. 龍泉窰青釉梅瓶十分珍貴,例子可參考台北國立故宮博物院藏之明前
HK$700,000 - 900,000 期龍泉窯梅瓶,見蔡玫芬,《碧綠:明代龍泉窯青瓷》,台北,2009
US$90,000 - 120,000 年,頁132-133,圖版65。本拍品之器形與故宮藏品十分相似,上腹
明早期 龍泉窰青釉梅瓶 得,2010年12月1日,拍品編號3104。
Starting in the Song dynasty, Longquan wares were green wares
produced in the southwestern part of Zhejiang province. Its glossy, rich,
greenish glaze garnered much attention, especially during the Ming
dynasty. In 1393, Taizu year, the first Emperor of Ming ordered that some
court vessels be produced at the Longquan kilns and the Jingdezhen
kilns, which shows the equal importance of these two kilns to the Court.
Later on, a eunuch was sent to supervise the manufacture of ceramics in
the Longquan area. Therefore, undecorated Longquan celadon meiping
examples dating to the early Ming dynasty are very rare and important.
A comparable example from the National Palace Museum, Taipei, with
similar curvy shape as the current lot, is illustrated by Chou Kung-shin,
Celadon of the Ming Dynasty, 2009, pp.132-133, no. 65. Another
example with cover was exhibited in the Tsui Museum of Art, Hong
Kong, and sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 December 2010, lot 3104.
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