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It has always been a fascination of the Imperial Court to pursue and access to an assortment of expensive raw materials, including gold,
study astronomy, which reflects the auspicious and cultural importance jade, lacquer, ivory, gemstones and sandalwood; all working hard and
of calendars in every aspect of the Chinese social hierarchy. Mastering determined to make every clock with unique and resplendent styles
time and the calendar solidified the Emperor’s position as the Son of in homage to their foreign counterparts. References to the Imperial
Heaven having divine powers and the ability to control the mysterious workshops making timepieces were found dating back to 1723, where
universe. production began during the Yongzheng period. It is also recorded that
there were once as many as three thousand four hundred and thirty-one
The Canton enamel ‘Imperial-tribute’ pavilion-style clock not only serves timepieces on display within the Imperial palace at one time, by request
its function of telling the time, but is also a window into the fruitful of the emperor. It is interesting to note that the Imperial court recruited
period of the Chinese forging unique long-lasting foreign trade relations, many clockmakers from the south, known as ‘South Clockmakers’
as well as laying the foundations which have resulted in centuries of from Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces; artisans who
cultural exchange between the East and the West. excelled at producing Imperial timepieces such as the current lot.
During the period of turmoil towards the end of the Ming dynasty where The current lot would have been an important Imperial-tribute timepiece
the high seas were riddled with Japanese pirates, the Ming authorities presented by the regional officials to the emperor. Custom officers from
enforced a strict iron-curtain policy by banning all maritime and inland the Guangdong province would have considered the collection of such
trade routes, successfully isolating China from the rest of the world. Even timepieces as a matter of utmost importance; they would often acquire
the Spanish missionary Francis Xavier (1506-1552) who attempted to them through the bustling trade in Guangdong, or even go as far as
bring Christianity to China during the thirty-first year of the Jiajing period confiscating them from local magnates and merchants.
(1552), was denied access to Guangdong at that period.
Compare a related pavilion-style clock in the Imperial collection of
It is recorded that during the tenth year of the Wanli period (1582), a the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Momentos da Eternidade.
rare opportunity arose for two Jesuit priests, Michaele Ruggieri (1543- Coleccao de Relogios do Nuseu do Palacio, Macau, 2004, pp.54-55. This
1607) and Francisco Pasio (1554-1612). They presented to the Governor Palace example resembles to the current lot and is decorated in a style
of Guangdong a Western chiming clock; a fascinating and curious which is similar in many respects, including the use of red glass beads,
piece of ornate machinery which had never been seen or heard of by gilt copper finials at the extremities and layers of scenery above the clock
the Chinese. Ricci embarked on a perilous journey north to Beijing, and face set with movements and vertical glass rods.
after six years of arduous traveling he arrived at the capital, where he
presented to the Wanli Emperor, two chiming clocks. 此鐘為徐展堂靜觀堂收藏,並於1997年4月27日於香港佳士得出售,編
The Kangxi Emperor (1654–1722) in particular had great enthusiasm 帝即對西洋科技尤其西洋自鳴鐘情有獨鍾,至乾隆一朝,乾隆皇帝好古
for Western science and technology and developed a strong passion 求新,除熱衷於古物及書畫外,亦沉迷於海外舶來之新奇品,其中西洋
for chiming clocks. It is recorded that the Kangxi emperor composed a 鐘錶則由原來的西方先進機械科學轉變為皇宮中高級玩具及奢侈觀賞擺
poem titled ‘The Chanting of the Chiming Clock’, which translates and 設。此時除直接從歐洲進口的鐘錶外,乾隆帝亦下旨命宮廷內外歐洲及
reads, ‘methods originating from the West, taught us with a keen heart. 廣東鐘錶技師仿造西洋製造各種奇鐘。
Wheels circle on a quarterly basis, hands move according to minutes.
Dawn needs not to be announced, golden clock reports in advance. 廣州是清代機械鐘錶製造的重要中心之一,亦是中國最早接觸西洋自鳴
Work hard on government affairs in the morning, memorials are never 鐘的地區。廣州還是當時中西方貿易的中心,由外國進口的西洋大鐘大
completed in a later manner.’ The extract serves to show that not only 量在廣州集散。廣州當地鐘錶製造業既是在這樣的條件誕生,而地方官
was the Kangxi emperor very well acquainted with the mechanics of 員則藉此作為貢品獻給皇帝,使清宮成為廣州鐘錶最集中的典藏寶地。
chiming clocks, but also stated his appreciation for chiming clocks as 用於進貢宮廷的廣州鐘錶尤以其表面鮮豔琺瑯彩及細密繁縟裝飾花紋最
well as how important he regarded their functions to be in the passage 為突出,此鐘便為一佳例。
of government affairs.
The Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799) most definitely acquired his refined 編,《日昇月恆:故宮珍藏鐘錶文物》,澳門,2004年,頁54-55,對
taste in clocks from his grandfather. Under the rule of the Qianlong 比可見其對廣州畫琺瑯鐘之影響。另見同著錄中其他乾隆時期廣州製宮
Emperor, both the country and society were stable; the Court enjoying 廷進貢鐘,頁298-328。而當時面向民間市場的廣東鐘,與此類宮廷進
the luxuries of life including appreciation of expensive toys and 貢畫琺瑯鐘無論是設計還是內部機械結構都無法相提並論。
garnitures. The Qianlong Emperor not only had many clocks imported
from Europe, but specifically ordered by decree for both his Chinese
and European clockmakers from the Imperial workshops to create and
replicate these timepieces. These skilled artisans were given priority
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