Page 228 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 Hong Kong
P. 228

415                                                                          renowned in particular for its gilt metalwork and paintings by Newar
A fine and very rare gilt-bronze Densatil ‘Buddha’ frieze                    artists from Nepal. Such pieces attained such high level of craftsmanship
Ming dynasty, 14th / 15th century                                            and quality that they can be viewed as being as close to ‘Imperial’
The rectangular frieze heavily cast in high relief depicting a series of     commissions as was possible in Tibet at the time.
seated Buddha figures arranged in six rows of size increasing towards
the bottom, each seated cross-legged atop a lotus pedestal with the          The complex at Densatil was destroyed during the Chinese Cultural
hands in dhyanamudra, the serene facial expression in deep meditation,       Revolution, but evidence of its artistic importance and influence can
framed by curly hair revealing the usnisha at the top, wearing a loose       be seen in the records of the Italian traveller Giuseppe Tucci following
robe swung over the left shoulder partially revealing the bare chest,        his visit in 1948, and in the black and white photographs taken by the
the central cartouche with a flaming mandorla, the sides cast with two       Italian photographer Pietro Francesco Mele who accompanied Tucci on
elegant dancing goddesses playing drums, each standing atop a lotus          the 1948 expedition: see P.Mele, Tibet, Calcutta, 1975.
lappet pedestal in relaxed dancing posture, wearing a headdress, large
disk earrings, necklace and long dhotis with a sash leaving the chest        Friezes such as the present lot would once have decorated towards
bare.                                                                        the upper part of the stupa at Densatil, where eighteen large funerary
37.8cm wide. x 9.5cm deep.                                                   reliquaries contained the mortal remains of the religious and political
HK$800,000 - 1,200,000                                                       leaders of the Phagmogrupa (fig.1).
US$100,000 - 150,000

明十四/十五世紀 丹薩替寺铜鎏金万佛仙女饰板                                                       For other examples of Densatil friezes sold at auction, compare another
                                                                             similar frieze sold in these rooms, 27 May 2012, lot 281; and another in
The spiritual teacher Pagmodrupa Dorje Gyalpo was one the three main         our London rooms, 8 November 2012, lot 260.
disciples of Gampopa Sonam Rinchen who established the Dagpo Kagyu
school of Tibetan Buddhism. He was also the disciple of Sachen Kunga         丹薩替寺是帕竹噶舉派最早的主寺,又是從帕竹噶舉派分出的八個支派
Nyingpo (1092-1158) who was one of the much revered founders of the          的母寺,宗教地位極高。帕木竹巴一名來源於藏傳佛教噶舉派創始人多
Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. Pagmodrupa Dorje Gyalpo travelled          吉傑布,因其在帕木竹建寺傳教,後被稱為「帕木竹巴•多吉傑布」。
to the Northern banks of the Tsangpo river in Tibet in the twelfth           明代是帕竹政權的興盛時期,其勢力日益擴大的同時,亦多次受到明朝
century. Pupils gathered at his side to form a simple monastery originally   皇帝的認可和冊封,帕竹政權最後擴大至幾乎整個西藏地區。丹薩替寺
of grass huts, but after his death in 1170 the monastic complex was          佛造像風格特殊,其供奉形式不像一般佛像供在佛龕或神壇,而是供奉
enlarged and a temple built to become a centre for the Kagyu sect. This      在舍利靈塔的塔身四周,其佛造像背面多帶有可能原來用於固定在塔身
became known as the Densatil monastery.                                      的固件。根據施羅德所著,《西藏佛教塑像》,第二卷,頁1009,所
From the mid fourteenth century, Densatil was ruled by the                   分(fig.1)。
Phagmogrupa family, one of the most powerful ruling families of the
time. The family sought to extend its influence with a series of high-level  丹薩替寺佛造像傳世品較少,參看香港邦瀚斯2012年5月27日售出一件
gift exchanges with the Chinese Emperors, and eventually they came           丹薩替寺四供養天女雕刻飾板,編號281以及倫敦邦瀚斯2012年11月8
to rule almost all of Tibet. Their wealth and influence is attested by the   日售出另一件類似品,編號260,兩件均為丹薩替寺舍利塔下部分裝飾
astonishingly high quality of art produced under their patronage, where      固件,但其鑄造風格與本品類似。
the Densatil monastery became one of the richest in Tibet, and was

(fig.1) Interior of Densatil; photograph by P.Mele, 1984
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