Page 249 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 Hong Kong
P. 249
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An archaistic bronze ritual vessel, gu An archaistic bronze vessel, zun
Late Ming/early Qing dynasty
The four-lobed body rising from a slightly splayed feet towards a flaring Mid Qing dynasty
trumpet neck, cast with a dragon clambering around the waist biting on
a stem of lingzhi, wood stand. Cast on a splayed bell-shaped foot, the unusually slender body rising
11.5cm high. (2).
HK$30,000 - 50,000 towards a flaring trumpet neck, flanked at the sides with a pair of
US$3,900 - 6,500
mythical beast heads forming ‘C’-shaped handles, another at the waist
明末清初 銅螭龍抱瓶式花觚
and vertical flanges, the exterior decorated with two prominent friezes
in relief featuring archaistic taotie designs, cast with a three-character
zhuanshu inscription towards the foot.
17.8cm high.
HK$40,000 - 60,000
US$5,200 - 7,700
清中期 青銅仿古饕餮紋尊 「龜文造」篆文印
Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art | 247