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486                                                                    The shan character motif is commonly associated with the Warring
An archaic bronze ‘shan’ mirror                                        States period, with many similar examples of varying sizes. For a
Late Eastern Zhou dynasty                                              comparable example in the Palace Museum, Beijing, see Bronze Articles
Of circular form with a central ringed knop encircled by a diamond-    for Daily Use: The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
shaped enclosure, the main surface quartered into four sections, each  Museum, Hong Kong, 2006, p.22, no.19.
with a shan character motif above dense archaistic wave scrolls, all
within a raised border.                                                圓形青銅鏡折緣,中央有方形弦紋小鈕,隨四角伸延出葉紋。其餘以羽
11.1cm diam.                                                           狀紋為地,上有四「山」紋作逆時針旋轉排列,層次分明。
HK$40,000 - 60,000
US$5,200 - 7,700                                                       山字紋為戰國時期常見之紋飾,大小形式相同之例子,可參考北京故宮
東周晚期 四山字紋銅鏡                                                            青銅生活器》,香港,2006,頁22,圖版19。

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