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511                                                                           See two other excavated comparables for the jade-inlaid belt buckle,
Two archaic bronze belt buckles                                               unearthed in Jiangchuan and Jinning county, Yunnan province,
Western Han dynasty, Dian culture                                             separately in 1956 and 1972, both in Yunnan Provincial Museum,
One cast and pierced with a tiger poised standing on all fours with a         Yunnan Province, illustrated in Zhongguo Qingtongqi Quanji 14. Dian
furry tail, its powerful jaws firmly clutching a struggling deer, its paws    Kunming, Beijing, 1996, p.129, no.152 & 153.
mauling a defenseless snake, the rear with a right-angled buckle; the
other inset with cylindrical jade rods in three sets of trigrams, the plaque  西漢 滇文化 虎噬蛇鹿銅扣飾及長方形雲紋邊銅扣
bordered by ruyi-head motif, a right-angled buckle at the rear.
The larger: 9.1cm wide. (2).                                                  滇國多有描繪動物搏鬥之銅鉤飾,可與本拍品比較的西漢例子,參
HK$100,000 - 200,000                                                          考1956年出土於雲南晉寧石寨山之扣飾,見中國青銅器全集編輯
US$13,000 - 26,000                                                            委員會,《中國美術分類全集-中國青銅器全集14.滇昆明》,北
Zhang Zengqi, researcher at the Yunnan Museum, has noted that it is
typical of Dian culture decorative arts ‘to not portray the earlier scenes    與銅扣形製及裝飾上皆十分相近的出土例子,可參考1956年於雲南晉
of the hunting process, but also not offer viewers the bloody outcome         寧石寨山出土之例子,見張增祺主編,《滇國青銅藝術》,昆明市,雲
of confrontation, rather leaving the audience with inconclusiveness and       南人民出版社,雲南美術出版社,2000,頁222,編號203,唯該例子
room for imagination’, The Complete Works of Yunnan National Fine             在玉管排列之外圍飾有孔雀石小珠一圈。
Arts. Bronze Arts of the Dian Kingdom, Kunming, 2000, p.26.

For a related Western Han dynasty example excavated in 1956 at
Shizhaishan, Yunnan province, see Zhongguo Qingtongqi Quanji 14.
Dian Kunming, Beijing, 1996, pp.124-128, pp.123-128, no.144-151.
The Yunnan example portrays a different scene of animals fighting, but
shows similar stylistic qualities.

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