Page 357 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 Hong Kong
P. 357

552                                                                      戈呈曲援直胡、前峰弧尖,兩翼成燕尾形,後緣向下垂。授身、直胡及
An archaic bronze ge                                                     後緣上飾有弦紋及漩渦紋。
Western Han dynasty, Dian culture
The unusual curved blade with angled shaft ending in a tilted tip, cast  江川李家山出土之曲援銅戈與本拍品可謂如出一轍,在紋飾及形製上十
with geometric swirling patterns with three piercings, the central rib   分相近,唯本拍品短援而出土物則為長援,見張增祺主編,《滇國青銅
dividing vertically into a flanking pair of forked wings.                藝術》,昆明市,雲南人民出版社,雲南美術出版社,2000,頁123,
21.5cm long.                                                             圖版113。
HK$40,000 - 60,000
US$5,200 - 7,700

Compare a similar excavated example from Jiangchuan, Yunnan
province, illustrated in The Complete Works of Yunnan National Fine
Arts. Bronze Arts of the Dian Kingdom, Kunming, 2000, p.123, no.113.

西漢滇文化 漩渦紋曲援銅戈

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