Page 378 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 Hong Kong
P. 378
573 圓鏡以獸為鈕,中央飾獅形海獸、熊及葡萄紋,外圈再飾鳥及葡萄紋,
An archaic bronze ‘lion and grapes’ mirror 鏡緣為枝葉紋,內容豐富,紋飾飽滿。
Tang dynasty
The centralised knop fashioned in the form of a recumbent beast, 唐代銅鏡多飾以海獸葡萄紋,相近之例子可參考北京故宮博物院藏之海
encircled by further five Buddhist lions amidst dense fruiting grape vines 獸葡萄紋鏡,見杜迺松主編,《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:青銅生活
in two tiers separated by raised edges. 器》,香港,2006,頁199,圖版176。
10.9cm diam.
HK$50,000 - 80,000
US$6,500 - 10,000
唐 海獸葡萄紋青銅鏡
The design of sea creatures amidst grapevines is a popular motif during
the Tang dynasty. For a comparable example in the Palace Museum,
Beijing, see Bronze articles for Daily Use. The Complete Collection of
Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 2006, p.199, no.176.
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