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P. 66
239 A complete set of ‘Ten Views of Jiangxi’ bowls including two identical to
A fine pair of famille rose ‘Jiangxi riverscape’ bowls the current lot is in the Meiyintang collection, see Regina Krahl, Chinese
Jiaqing six-character marks and of the period Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection. Volume Four (II), London,
The interior intricately decorated in iron-red featuring a centralised 1994-2010, pp.296-305, no.1762-1771. Another related Jiaqing
medallion with lush growth of pine tree, prunus and Buddha’s finger riverscape bowl from a private Portuguese collection was also sold in
citron, further encircled by an outer border of ruyi-heads, each these rooms, Voyages of Discovery: A Connoisseur’s Choice, 27 May
enamelled on the exterior with a continuous serene riverscape scene 2012, lot 5.
with a four-character kaishu inscription, above a narrow band of lotus-
scroll border, the base with an iron-red six-character Imperial zhuanshu 嘉靖一朝官窯燒製薄胎碗,胎體輕薄,繪工細膩,紋飾以山川名勝天
seal mark. 然景緻為主,此兩隻碗應為江西十景套碗中其中兩隻。完整一套的江
Each: 14.5cm diam. (2). 西十景碗之例,可見梅茵堂收藏,著錄於康蕊君,《Chinese Ceramics
HK$800,000 - 1,200,000 from the Meiyintang Collection》,卷四(下),倫敦,2010年,頁
US$100,000 - 150,000 296-305,編號1762-71;另見一件葡萄牙私人舊藏嘉慶粉彩繪勝景蓋
粉彩江西十景「徐亭烟柳」碗 礬紅「大清嘉慶年製」篆書款 徐亭,即徐孺子亭,位於西湖中。西湖岸邊,垂柳成行,溶溶如煙,當
粉彩江西十景「潯陽九派」碗 礬紅「大清嘉慶年製」篆書款 中悄然隱藏一座八角亭,便是徐亭。無論是春霧濛濛或秋雨綿綿之際,
亭樹與湖水相映,出現「徐亭煙柳」景致。 潯陽即潯陽縣,位於今江
The inscription on the bowls individually reads and translates as: 西省九江市。
Xunyang jiu pai ‘Nine Tributaries of Xunyang’
Xuting yan liu ‘Misty Willows at the Xu Pavilion’
These bowls came from a set of ten bowls, each depicting one of
ten beautiful views of Jiangxi province. Unlike other non-landscape
famille rose examples made during the Jiaqing period, bowls such
as the current lot which were carefully compiled in sets to illustrate
dramatic compositions required a great effort in planning and execution.
The use of a wide range of enamel colours and attention to non-
repetitive subject matters only further accentuated the difficulty and
accomplishment of the master enameller. Other series of ‘ten views’
porcelain bowls were also created during the Jiaqing period, including
‘Ten Views of Western Lake’, ‘Ten Views of Changjiang’, ‘Ten Views of
Lushan’ and ‘Ten Views of Dongting’.
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