Page 94 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 94


           A TURQUOISE-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE           清乾隆      松石綠地粉彩花卉鴛鴦圖長頸膽瓶
           BOTTLE VASE                                     《大清乾隆年製》款

           the pear-shaped body rising from a straight foot to a tall
           cylindrical neck, brightly enamelled with pairs of mandarin
           ducks and magpies amongst flowering peonies, prunus,
           orchids and lingzhi, all reserved against a turquoise-imitation
           ground, the base enamelled turquoise save for a white
           square inscribed with a six character seal mark
           42.5 cm, 16¾ in.
           HK$ 400,000-600,000
           US$ 52,000-80,000

           With its bold decoration of pairs of mandarin ducks and   膽瓶妙仿松綠石,上繪鴛鴦、喜鵲成雙,盡展乾隆年間
           magpies amongst flowering blooms against a bright ground   瓷藝之華貴絢麗。其他乾隆署款例包括 Hebblethwaite
           painted in imitation of turquoise, the present vase displays   舊藏玉堂富貴膽瓶,略較此高,兩度售於倫敦蘇富
           the broad variety of styles and innovations in ceramic design
           that marked the Qianlong period. In simulating the tradition-  比,1974年12月2/3日,編號539及1981年7月14日,
           ally esteemed semi-precious stone and choosing an idiosyn-  編號121。參考二件燈籠瓶,分別飾以花鳥及折枝花
           cratic design, the craftsmen purposefully created a work of   卉,前者售於倫敦蘇富比2013年11月6日,編號186,
           art that would cater to the aesthetic taste of the Qianlong   後者兩度在香港蘇富比易手,1979年11月28日,編號
                                                     259及2011年4月8日,編號3088。John Morrison 典藏
           Compare further Qianlong mark and period vases simi-  一例,收錄在詹甯斯,《Later Chinese Porcelain》,
           larly enamelled with a simulated turquoise-matrix ground,   倫敦,1951年,圖版CVIII,圖2。香港蘇富比另拍出兩
           such as a slightly larger pear-shaped example from the
           Hebblethwaite collection, depicting a pair of pheasants,   例,均綴以開光山水,分別為1978年11月29日,編號
           sold twice in our London rooms, 2nd/3rd December 1974,   323,以及1976年11月29日,編號616。
           lot 539, and 14th July 1981, lot 121; a lantern vase, depicting
           birds on flowering branches, sold in our London rooms, 6th
           November 2013, lot 186; another lantern vase decorated
           with floral sprays, sold twice in these rooms, 28th November
           1979, lot 259, and 8th April 2011, lot 3088; and one of ovoid
           form, from the John Morrison collection, published in Soame
           Jenyns, Later Chinese Porcelain, London, 1951, pl. CVIII,
           fig. 2. An ovoid vase decorated with two landscape panels
           against a turquoise ground scattered with flower sprays,
           was sold in these rooms, 29th November 1978, lot 323; and
           another of slightly waisted baluster form, painted with two
           landscape panels below two similar vignettes, was also sold
           in these rooms, 29th November 1976, lot 616.


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