Page 70 - Classical Chinese Furniture from Heveningham Hall may 28 2021 hk.pdf
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         According to Curtis Evarts and Wang Shixiang in Masterpieces From   交杌屬交椅之前身,是中國家具中較為常見者,其歷史可上溯至東漢時
         the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture, Chicago and San Francisco,   期,傳自外域,佛教的傳播亦對其有促進作用,早期圖像如敦煌莫高窟
         1995, p. 30, folding stools in zitan are extremely rare. The authors note
         that while similar examples exist in huanghuali, their members are often   257 窟主室西壁所見,實物則有 2019 年在甘肅天祝唐武周時吐谷渾王族
         carved with decorative elements. The present stool may have been left   墓所出土。千餘年來,交杌形象幾無變化,只是約元明之際出現了增設腳
         unadorned to highlight both the elegant shape and attractive grain.  踏的樣式。傳世黃花梨交杌見有十數件,紫檀所製者,計本場在內僅二例。
         Perhaps the only other known example in zitan is that illustrated   此紫檀交杌流傳有序,為美國加州原中國古典家具博物館舊藏。該館因藏
         by Grace Wu Bruce in Chan Chair and Qin Bench: The Dr. S.Y. Yip   品質量高、品類豐富,加之在推動學術研究方面的貢獻,為中國家具收藏
         Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture II, Hong Kong, 1998, pp.   中又一傳奇。該館家具於 1996 年秋在紐約佳士得專場拍出,全數成交,
         78-9, no. 10, where it is dated to the 16th/17th century. A closely   創造了當時中國藝術品單場拍賣的最高記錄,此交杌即在其中。
         related huanghuali folding stool is published by Wang Shixiang in
         Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties,
         vol. II, p. 31, no A40. Wang refers in vol. I, p. 35, to the illustrated
         example as being imperial, and discusses the construction, with metal
         rods passing through both legs and being secured by decorative
         washers called huyanqian, which can also be seen on the present stool.
         Wang also notes that the construction, material, hardware and weaving
         are all of superior quality, and indicative of highly skilled and talented

                                                    (two views 兩面)

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