Page 147 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 19, 2017
P. 147

                                                                                                                                              India                    China                    Japan                    Korea
           FOR CHINESE PAINTINGS                             FOR JAPANESE AND KOREAN PAINTINGS                                       Indus Valley Period C 2500 - C 1500  1550
           Current scholarship in the field of Chinese paintings does not permit   Current scholarship in the field of Japanese and Korean paintings   1200            Shang
           unqualified statements as to Authorship or date of execution. The   does not permit unqualified statements as to Authorship or date of   1100      1050
           limited right of rescission contained in the Conditions of Sale does   execution. The limited right of rescission contained in the Conditions of   1000  Vedic Period  1030
           not apply to Chinese paintings. Nonetheless, if within twenty-one   Sale does not apply to Japanese and Korean paintings. Nonetheless,   900       Western
           days of the sale of any such lot, the original purchaser gives written   if within twenty-one days of the sale of any such lot, the original   800  800  Zhou                       Jomon
           notice to Bonhams that the lot is a forgery and if within fourteen days   purchaser gives written notice to Bonhams & Butterfields that the lot    711    770    722
           after giving such notice, the original purchaser returns the lot to us   is a forgery and if within fourteen days after giving such notice, the   700            Spring
           in the same condition as at the time of sale and demonstrates to our   original purchaser returns the lot to us in the same condition as at   642         Eastern  autumn
           satisfaction that the lot is a forgery, Bonhams & Butterfields will rescind  the time of sale and demonstrates to our satisfaction that the lot is a   600  Saisunaga-Nanda dynasty  Zhou  Period  Warring
           the sale and refund the purchase price received. For this purpose a   forgery, Bonhams will rescind the sale and refund the purchase price   400                      States
           ‘forgery’ is defined as a work created with intent to deceive.  received. For this purpose a ‘forgery’ is defined as a work created with   300  322  322  256         Period  200
                                                             intent to deceive.                                                200  185  Maurya dynasty  200    202   221 - 206    Qin
                                                                                                                               100   72  Sunga dynasty         Former
                                                                                                                                                                Han                                             87
                                                                                                                                36                 Period  Indo-Parthian                                                37
                                                                                                                                     32  Early andhra         Western                                                           18
           INCLUDING                                                                                                          0 a.d.   50 a.d.     50            8                              Yayoi
                                                                                                                                                 50             25
           Property from a Bay Area Private Collector                                                                                                                Later Han
           Property from a Chicago Estate                                                                                      200                   Later            Eastern
           Property from a Lady                                                                                                                     andhra    220                      250
           Property from a Northern Californian Gentleman                                                                      300     Kushan    320          316  Three Kingdoms and Western Jin                 Old Silla dynasty
           Property from a Pacific Northwest Collector                                                                                 dynasty                317      Sixteen                                            Koguryo dynasty  Paekche dynasty
           Property from a Private Carmel Collection                                                                           400    Successors              Eastern  Jin  Kingdoms       Kofun (Tumulus)
           Property from a Private German Collector, Acquired in China Beginning in the 1960s                                                       Gupta     420 Song  439   386
           Property from a Private San Francisco Collection                                                                                        dynasty    479        Northern Wei
           Property from a Private Seattle Collection, Previously Featured in Architectural Digest                             500                            502 Qi  534              552
                                                                                                                                                              557 Liang
           Property from a San Francisco Estate, Collection Formed Prior to the 1970s                                                600         600   550    589 Chen  581       Northern dynasties  asuka
           Property from a San Francisco Foundation                                                                            600     Pallava   642    Chalukya  618       Sui        646                                      660
           Property from a Southern California Institution                                                                     700     dynasty                                                       Hakuho     668
           Property from the Bitkin Family Collection                                                                               750                                Tang               Nara       Tempyo
           Property from the Brown Family Collection                                                                           800                   757  765                          794                            United Silla
           Property from the Collection of Sylvia H. Gottlieb, Great Neck, New York                                                              800  Rastrakuta  907                              894   Early Heian
           Property from the Collections of Herbert Evans and Miriam Simpson                                                   900    Pala   907             Ten Kingdoms  960  Five   947    Chidan            935
           Property from the Dr. Sylvan and Faith Golder Collection                                                            1000    and    Chola  973  Solanki dynasty  979  dynasties  990  Heian
           Property from the Estate of a Gentleman                                                                                    Sena   1053             Northern Song  Liao  Xixia            Late Heian
           Property from the Estate of Dr. Gregory Dahlen, Jr.                                                                 1100  dynasties  1076  Chandella dynasty     1125                     (Fujiwara)
           Property from the Irene Chin Collection, San Francisco, California                                                                        1111 1197  1126  1115       1126  1185
           Property from the Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon, Sold to Benefit the Museum Acquisition Fund                1200  1200                       Southern  1234  Jin                                 Goryeo dynasty
           Property from the Sarkisian Collection, Denver, Colorado                                                            1300  1251            Yadava  Hoysala and  1279  1260
                                                                                                                                    1310         1315                                         Kamakura
                                                                                                                                                     1318               Yuan
                                                                                                                                                 1310                                  1333
                                                                                                                               1400           Ganga Kingdom   1368
                                                                                                                                                                                       1392  Nambokucho         1392
                                                                                                                               1500               Vijayanagar  Ming        Hongzhi   1505
                                                                                                                                                   dynasty    Hongwu   1398   Zhengde   1521
                                                                                                                                                              Jianwen   1402   Jiajing   1566  Muromachi
                                                                                                                                                              Xuande  1426/35   Longqing   1572
                                                                                                                                                              Zhengtong  1449   Wanli   1620  1568
                                                                                                                                                  1565        Jingtai   1457   Taichang   1620
                                                                                                                               1600                           Tianshun   1464   Tianqi   1627  1600  Momoyama
                                                                                                                                                              Chenghua   1487   Chongzhen  1644                         Joseon
                                                                                                                               1700       Rajput dynasty                                                              (Yi) dynasty
                                                                                                                                                              Qing                          Edo (Tokugawa)
                                                                                                                                                              Shunzhi   1661   daoguang  1850
                                                                                                                               1800                           Kangxi   1722   Xianfeng   1861
                                                                                                                                                              Yongzheng  1735   Tongzhi   1873  1868
                                                                                                                                                              Qianlong   1796   Guangxu   1908
                                                                                                                               1900                           Jiaqing   1821   Xuantong   1912  Meiji           1910
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