Page 184 - Sotheby's Speelman Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 184
A RARE DARK BROWN 明十五世紀 褐漆菱口盤
of generous proportions with broad rounded sides divided
into eight bracket foliations, all supported on a short straight
foot reinforced with three short feet, the interior of the charger
centred with a recessed circular panel, the lacquer patinated
to a rich dark brown colour
46 cm, 18⅛ in.
HK$ 1,200,000-1,800,000
US$ 153,000-230,000
The designs of Ming lacquerware owe a large part to the 盤呈八瓣菱花口,形態飽滿,仿如盛開蓮花。通體髹褐漆,
styles first developed in the Song and Yuan dynasties. This 光素無紋飾。口沿包銅,足圈嵌三銅足。
present undecorated dish exudes an elegant simplicity that
is complemented by the warm tone of the lacquer and its 明朝漆器種類,承宋元之風,得以發展。此盤雖無紋飾,然
fine, natural crackles. Known as yise or guangsu for its clean, 簡潔優雅,漆色溫潤,斷紋自然。一色漆器,端莊樸雅,為
simple look, monochrome lacquer was often the favoured 宮廷常用器具。「一色漆」因通體光素一色無紋飾而得名,
choice of imperial lacquerware. According to Xiushi lu [A 又被稱為「光素漆」。據明黃成《髹飾錄》記載,一色漆器
Treatise on Lacquer Art], the Ming manual for lacquer
manufacture by Huang Cheng, the main colours applied on 主要有朱、黑、黃、綠、紫色,其中又以朱、黑、紫色最為
monochrome lacquer are red, black, yellow, green and purple, 普遍,應用亦最廣泛。
among which red, black and purple are the most common,
and can consequently be seen on the largest variety of wares. 此類器型始見於元代,元、明永宣朝青花器均見菱口盤身
First introduced in the Yuan dynasty, the distinctive ‘water 於中亞金屬或陶器,部分為中亞伊斯蘭國家所訂製。永樂朝
caltrop’ shape can often be seen on blue and white wares 鄭和七下西洋,盛極一時,不但把中國瓷器、絲綢等輸出海
produced during the Yuan, as well as the Yongle and Xuande
periods in the Ming dynasty. Thriving trade across Eurasia 外,跟滿載異域的奇珍異寶,在中西文化交流歷史裏留下寶
along maritime and overland routes from the Yuan to the 貴證據。
early Ming dynasties suggests the ‘water caltrop’ form may
have drawn its inspiration from Central Asian metalwork and 造型相若之菱口盤例,參考科隆東亞藝術博物館藏一元代
pottery, some of which were produced for the Muslim market. 盤例,錄於《Meisterwerk aus China, Korea und Japan,
The seven westward maritime expeditions led by the eunuch Museen der Stadt Koln》,科隆,1979年,頁50, 編號
Zheng He for the Yongle Emperor not only facilitated the 48;另外一例屬東京國立博物館收藏,錄於《海外遺珍:漆
export of Chinese ceramics and silks, but brought back on his 器》,台北,1987年,編號42。尚有一例,尺寸較小,售於
returns treasures and curiosities from regions associated with 香港佳士得2001年4月30日,編號627。
the exotic, records of which offer a glimpse into the fascinating
history of global exchange in the period.
Other examples of this rare bracket lobed form include a dish
dated to the Yuan dynasty in the collection of the Museum Fur
Ostasiatische Kunst Der Stadt Koln, illustrated in Meisterwerk
aus China, Korea und Japan, Museen der Stadt Koln, Cologne,
1979, p. 50, no. 48; and another of similar form in the
collection of the Tokyo National Museum, illustrated in Hai-wai
Yi-chen, Chinese Art in Overseas Collections: Lacquerware,
Taipei, 1987, no. 42. Compare also a smaller dish sold at
Christie’s Hong Kong, 30th April 2001, lot 627.
182 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比