Page 56 - Sotheby's Speelman Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 56


           A PAIR OF INSCRIBED LAPIS                     清乾隆

           LAZULI TABLE SCREENS                          青金石御製詩
           QING DYNASTY,                                 六合同春圖插屏一對

           QIANLONG PERIOD                               御製鹿詩

           each of rectangular form, boldy carved in various levels of
           relief, one depicting two deer grazing beneath a gnarled tree in   未是供庖侯,因非挾矢前;忘機近左右,寧獨海鷗然。
           a rocky landscape with lingzhi shrubs, the other with a crane
           perched on a rocky ledge looking at a flying crane amidst a   御製鶴詩
           mountainous landscape with pine and lingzhi, the reverse   放翅聽飛去,愛山仍復還;那期稻梁報,常伴渚洲間。
           variously inscribed and gilt with imperial poems related to the   唳月聲非怨,梳風意自閒;使無清介格,亦豈異乎鷴。
           subject matter, the stones of a dark blue tone with silvery-
           white inclusions and gold flecks              (詩文收錄於《清高宗御製詩文全集.御製詩四集》,卷14)
           22.8 and 22.6 cm, 9 and 8⅞ in.
           HK$ 1,200,000-1,500,000
           US$ 153,000-192,000

           54      SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61