Page 124 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 124
1350 1350
LIU YAZI (1887-1958) 柳亞子 行書杜陵詩
Poem in Xingshu 水墨紙本 手卷 一九三二年作
ink on paper, handscroll (節書杜甫〈後出塞五首〉、〈奉同郭給事湯東靈湫作〉、〈自京赴奉先縣
signed LIU YAZI, dated 1932, and with one seal of the artist 詠懷五百字〉、〈奉先劉少府新畫山水障歌〉,文略)
22.9 by 139.6 cm. 9 by 55 in. 民國廿一年初冬。柳亞子。
HK$ 120,000 - 180,000
122 SOTHEBY’S 1351