Page 156 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 156

1394                                                                                                                                                                                                    1394

ZHANG TINGJI (1768-1848)                                                ink and colour on silk, circular fan leaf, framed
                                                                        signed REN YI, dated 1883, with a dedication, and one seal of the artist
Calligraphy                                                             25.2 by 26.6 cm. 9⅞ by 10½ in.

ink on paper, framed                                                    HK$ 50,000-70,000
signed ZHANG TINGJI, dated 1846, inscribed, with a dedication, and two
seals of the artist                                                     任頤 松風聽瀑
34.5 by 170 cm. 13½ by 66⅞ in.
                                                                        設色絹本 團扇面 鏡框 一八八三年作
HK$ 30,000-50,000
張廷濟  一松一石之廬                                                             秀章仁兄大人正之。光緒癸未。伯年任頤。

水墨紙本  鏡框  一八四六年作                                                        鈐印:「頤印」。

款識:                                                                     來源:香港蘇富比,一九九二年四月,中國書畫拍賣,編號 212
黃山之松鱗之而,昆山之石縐瘦透。西溪老人園東軒,卓立天然成古                                          1396
道光丙午月在丑,張廷濟書為君壽,時年亦七十又九。                                                PU HUA (1832-1911)

鈐印:「眉壽老人」、「嘉興張廷濟叔未甫」。                                                   Landscapes after Ancient Artists

1395                                                                    ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, set of twelve, framed
                                                                        all leaves signed, dated 1896, inscribed, and with twelve seals of the artist
REN YI (1840-1896)                                                      each 26.1 by 35.6 cm. 10¼ by 14 in. (12)

Listening to Cascade by the Pine                                        HK$ 120,000-180,000
                                                                        see illustration of six leaves

                                                                        蒲華  擬前賢山水冊

                                                                        設色、水墨紙本  十二開  鏡框  一八九六年作


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