Page 178 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 178

                                     —— 李可染誕辰110周年紀念

       1422                                                                      李可染  千巖競秀萬壑爭流

LI KERAN (1907-1989)                                                             設色紙本  立軸  一九七八年作

Magnificent Mountains with Gushy Cascades                                        款識:
ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll                                          吾昔年至紹興蘭亭寫生,過山陰道遇雨,得見崇山茂林,蔥鬱華滋,
signed KERAN, dated 1978, titled, inscribed, and with four seals of the artist   奔 流 急 湍, 如 奏 管 弦, 深 感 山 川 生 氣, 茲 寫 其 大 意。 一 九 七 八 年 歲
171 by 94 cm. 67⅜ by 37 in.                                                      始,可染作於北京。

EXHIBITED                                                                        鈐印:「可染」、「李」、「在精微」、「河山如畫」。

Tokyo, Seibu Ikebukuro Gallery, 30th Anniversary Celebration of the              展覽:
Founding of the People’s Republic of China: Painting Exhibition by Rong Bao      東京,西武百貨池袋店,〈中華人民共和國建國三十周年:中國榮寶齋
Zhai, November 2-7, 1979                                                         展覽會〉,一九七九年十一月二日至七日
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Art Gallery, Modern Chinese Painting        香港,中文大學文物館,〈求知雅集珍藏近代中國書畫〉,一九八七年
and Calligraphy from the Collection of the Kau Chi Society of Chinese Art,       八月廿九日至十月四日
August 29 to October 4, 1987
ILLUSTRATED                                                                     〈中華人民共和國建國三十周年:中國榮寶齋展覽會〉展覽圖錄(東京,
                                                                                 西武百貨店,一九七九年十一月),頁 28
30th Anniversary Celebration of the Founding of the People’s Republic of        〈李可染畫論〉,王琢輯錄(台北,華正書局,一九八七年二月),圖版
China: Painting Exhibition by Rong Bao Zhai, Exhibition Catalogue, Tokyo,        39
Seibu Ikebukuro Gallery, November 1979, p.28                                    〈求知雅集珍藏近代中國書畫〉展覽圖錄(香港中文大學文物館,一九八
On Li Keran’s Paintings, compiled by Wang Zhuo, Hua Cheng Publishing Co.,        七年七月 ),頁 245,圖版 113
Taipei, February 1987, pl.39                                                    〈求知雅集珍藏近代中國書畫〉展覽場刊(香港中文大學文物館,一九八
Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Collection of the Kau Chi       七年七月 ),圖版 113
Society of Chinese Art, Art Gallery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, July
1987, p.245, pl.113                                                              來源:香港著名收藏家楊永德舊藏
Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Collection of the Kau           	 現藏者一九九○年十一月得於香港
Chi Society of Chinese Art, Exhibition Brochure, Art Gallery, the Chinese
University of Hong Kong, July 1987, pl.113

Estimate Upon Request 估價待詢


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