Page 24 - Tabor Collection Christie's New York April 10 2019
P. 24

                                                                               A PAIR OF FAMILLE ROSE MANCERINAS
                                                                               QIANLONG PERIOD, CIRCA 1770
                                                                               Of molded scallop shell form and centered by a
                                                                               pierced and shaped cup-holder
                                                                               8¼ in. (20.9 cm.) long        (2)

                                                                               The mancerina is closely associated with the
                                                                               Hispanic market and with the Spanish custom
                                                                               of chocolate drinking. Both chocolate and silver
                                                                               of course came from the Spanish New World,
                                                                               so it is ftting that this form was often made in
                                                                               silver as well as in Spanish maiolica. It is said
                                                                               that the 2nd Marqués de Mancera, Viceroy of
                                                                               New Spain 1664-1673, had a palsied hand and
                                                                               thus needed the all-in-one cupstand, which took
                                                                               his name, though none survive from this early
                                                                               period. Interestingly, a very similar form exists in
                                                                               Chinese ceramics of the Song period, which may
                                                                               have infuenced the development of the export
                                                                               For a Mexican silver mancerina see H.R. Borrell
                                                                               et al, The Grandeur of Viceregal Mexico, p. 380.
                                                                               An almost identical single export mancerina is in
                                                                               the Museo Nacional de Historia, Mexico City, and
                                                                               illustrated by M. Priyadarshini, Chinese Porcelain
                                                                               in Colonial Mexico, p. 123.

                                                                               A SET OF THREE OCTAGONAL SALTS
                                                                               QIANLONG PERIOD, CIRCA 1770
                                                                               3⅛ in. (8 cm.) wide           (3)

                                                                               A RARE PORTUGUESE MARKET
                                                                               SCALLOPED PLATE
                                                                               QIANLONG PERIOD, CIRCA 1775
                                                                               In the pattern known as the 'Napkin Service', the
                                                                               'cloth' suspended from gilt bows
                                                                               9 in. (22.8 cm.) wide
                                                                               With Suchow & Siegel Antiques, New York.
                                                                               The Collection of Dr. Anton C.R. Dreesmann,
                                                                               Christie's, London, 10 April 2002, lot 468.
                                                                               Anonymous sale; Christie's, London, 11 May 1992,
                                                                               lot 138A.


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