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             Fig. 3  A Yongle mark and period gilt-bronze figure of Jinasagara   Fig. 4  An early Ming dynasty wood figure of Amitayas and
             Avalokiteshvara formerly on loan to the Royal Tropical Institute Museum,   consort, Pacific Asia Museum, gift from the Nancy King
             Amsterdam (TM-5520-1) © Collection Nationaal Museum    Collection (2001.1.47) © USC Pacific Asia Museum
             van Wereldculturen                              圖四 木雕彩塑無量壽佛及明妃 亞太博物館 Nancy King收藏捐贈
             圖三  明永樂 銅鎏金大悲勝海紅觀音像 曾借展於阿姆斯特丹Royal Tropical     (2001.1.47)
             Institute Museum (TM-5520-1)                    © 亞太博物館 加州帕薩迪納
             © Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen 收藏

             compared with the Yongle period. Consequently, there is considerably   對數量較多,宣德年製者則遠為稀有。永
             less recorded Xuande Vajrayana Buddhist sculpture compared      樂年佛像多數為供奉西藏重要佛教機構
             with the relatively large numbers from the Yongle period. Xuande   而製,而如本品之宣德佛像則主要為國人
             Buddhist sculpture, such as this gilt-wood Avalokiteshvara, was made   事佛而製。
             principally for local worship rather than as tribute to institutions in   早明之木雕金剛乘佛像,現時傳世作例甚
             Tibet as was so frequently the case in the Yongle period.       罕,唯可比較一觀音像例,現藏於亞太博
             Few wood sculptures depicting Vajrayana Buddhist deities have   (圖四)。該像與本品高度及風格相同,
             survived from the early Ming dynasty, with the notable exception   幾乎可以肯定乃出自同一組造像,而且與
             of an Amitayus now in the Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena, acc.   本品同樣刻劃觀音明妃合抱之造型,非常
             no. 2001.1.47 (fig. 4). The statue is the same height and style as   罕見。兩像可能出自一組造像,而由於刻劃
             the Jinasagara Avalokiteshvara and is almost certainly from the
             same series. And like the Jinasagara Avalokiteshvara, the Pacific   用途而非公開展示。
             Asia Museum sculpture is a rare form of a popular deity depicted in   木雕彩塑,乃中國廟宇造像傳統技藝,流
             unison with his consort. The two statues are likely to have been part   行宋代之木製觀音像即屬此法,現存作
             of a larger series that, due to the esoteric nature of the deities, were   例相對較多,以其姿態優雅,佛像慈悲見
             probably placed in a chapel for private devotion and meditation rather   稱。此造像傳統傳至早明,本品即屬當中
             than for public display.                                        臻例,而觀音明妃合抱造型,則代表智慧
             Gilt and polychrome wood is a traditional medium for depicting gods
             in Chinese temple interiors, as seen for example in the relatively large
             number of surviving wood temple sculptures of Guanyin from the
             Song dynasty (960-1279), known for their elegant and regal posture
             imbued with grace and spirituality. This ancient sculptural tradition
             thus continued through the early Ming dynasty with this outstanding
             Xuande period gilt-wood figure of Avalokiteshvara and consort,
             their bond fulfilling the ultimate Vajrayana Buddhist aspiration to
             enlightenment through the union of Wisdom and Compassion.
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