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he present figure, posed with one leg pendent and the other 本像一腳舒腿下垂,另一腿盤起擱於下垂
crossed with the foot resting on the opposite knee, is seated in 腿之膝上,作半跏思惟姿。除非造像刻款
T the ‘pensive pose’. Unless specifically named in inscriptions,
the identity of figures seated in this particular position has been the 說法主要有二,一為悉達多太子、二為乃
subject of debate and has traditionally been recognized as either 作相近作半跏思惟姿,圖載於水野清一,
Prince Siddhartha or the bodhisattva Maitreya. A Northern Wei period 《雲岡石窟》,京都,1951至1956年,卷3,
carving of a princely figure seated in the ‘pensive’ pose was carved in 圖版5及Junghee Lee,〈The Origins and
Cave 6 at Yungang, illustrated in Mizuno Seiichi and Nagahiro Toshio, Development of the Pensive Bodhisattva
Yun-kang, Kyoto, 1951-56, vol. 3, pl. 5., and in Junghee Lee, ‘The Images of Asia〉,《Artibus Asiae》,卷
Origins and Development of the Pensive Bodhisattva Images of Asia’, 53,編號3/4,1993年,圖12。該石刻壁龕
Artibus Asiae, vol. 53, no. 3/4, 1993, fig. 12. In this carved stone niche, 刻劃之主像可清楚確認為悉達多太子,膝
the central figure is clearly identifiable as Siddartha by his trusted 前乃其愛馬康特迦。四及五世紀期間,此
姿多用於釋迦牟尼像,彌勒菩薩像多作 坐
steed Kanthaka at his knee. While in the 4th and 5th centuries the 姿。根據Lee敘述,自五世紀後半葉至隋朝
pose was often used to represent Shakyamuni, Maitreya was depicted 為止,一組三尊佛像,其中左右兩佛作半
with crossed ankles. As Lee mentions, in the second quarter of the 跏思惟姿,中間主像作彌勒菩薩像多作坐
fifth century to the Sui dynasty, two ‘pensive’ pose figures were often 姿。自北齊開始, 主像亦逐漸多作半跏思
used to balance a triad group, flanking a central cross-ankle figure. 惟姿,前述出處,頁340-1,並且漸多刻劃
Beginning with the Northern Qi, the ‘pensive’ pose was increasingly 彌勒菩薩。彌勒佛,也作未來佛,採半跏
used as the central figure, ibid., p. 340-1, and increasingly to represent 思惟姿,冥想最後一道輪迴即將到臨,以
Maitreya, thus the present figure most likely represents this deity. 及未來得道之事。詳細討論,見於展覽圖
Often referred to as the Future Buddha, Maitreya is a bodhisattva in 約,2004年,頁266。
the ‘pensive’ pose; in this position he is contemplating his impending
final reincarnation and future enlightenment. For further discussion, 比 較 一 大 理 石 像例,彌 勒 佛 採半 跏
see the catalogue to the exhibition China: Dawn of a Golden Age, 200- 思惟姿,斷代570年,圖載於喜仁龍,
750 AD, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2004, p. 266. 《Chinese Sculpture from the Fifth to
the Fourteenth Century》,倫敦,1925年,
Compare a closely related marble figure of a ‘pensive’ Maitreya, 圖版244b,並曾展於《Ancient Chinese
dated in accordance with 570 from the collection of K. Takenouchi, Sculpture》,埃斯卡納齊,倫敦,1978
Tokyo, illustrated in Osvald Sirén, Chinese Sculpture from the Fifth to 年,編號12,出自東京K.Takenouchi收
the Fourteenth Century, London, 1925, pl. 244b, and included in the 中国佛教彫刻史研究》,東京,1966年,
exhibition Ancient Chinese Sculpture, Eskenazi, London, 1978, cat. no. 圖版146a及146b,前者帶年款,故可斷代
12. Consider as well two closely related figures illustrated in Matsubara 564年。
Saburō, Chinese Buddhist Sculpture: A study based on bronze and
stone statues other than works from cave temples, Tokyo, 1966, pls
146a and 146b, the former bearing a dedicatory inscription with a date
corresponding to 564 AD.