Page 22 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist Art, New York
P. 22
he present figure, beautifully detailed, features many attributes
commonly seen in 15th century gilt-bronze Buddhist figures. 本像鑄工細緻,展現宣德朝鎏金銅佛像
T The modeling of the face, crown, and jewelry bear similarities 特色,面容、寶冠及穿戴之寶石與其他十
with other period examples, however the torso is more solidly cast, 五世紀作例特色相近,然而比較其他帶永
with a slightly more truncated mid-section than seen with Yongle 樂或宣德款之作例,本像上身更為緊實,
and Xuande examples, a feature more associated with later figures. 腰腹部稍短,呈現稍晚造像風格。參考一
Compare a figure of Simhanada Lokeshvara, attributed to the mid- Robert R. Bigler及Béla Kelényi,《Art
15th century, illustrated in Robert R. Bigler and Béla Kelényi, Art and
and faith at the crossroads: Tibeto-
Faith at the Crossroads: Tibeto-Chinese Buddhist Images and Ritual Chinese Buddhist images and ritual
Implements from the 12th to the 15th Century, Zurich, 2013, cat. no. 37. implements from the 12th to the 15th
Compare also a related figure of Avalokiteshvara, of larger size, sold in century》,蘇黎世,2013年,編號37。也可
our Hong Kong rooms, 15th November 1989, lot 588, attributed to the 見一相似尺寸較大明代觀音像,售於香港
Ming period. Lot 590 of the same sale is a Yongle mark and period gilt- 蘇富比1989年11月15日,編號588。同場
bronze Maitreya figure, and the elongation and sway of the torso in this 拍賣中的編號590為一尊永樂年款彌勒佛
earlier figure, compared to that of the present, is also evident.
Ksitigarbha, or Dizangwang in Mandarin, is one of the four most 地藏、觀音、普賢及文殊為中國佛教中受
popular bodhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism, alongside Avalokiteshvara, 眾最廣的四大菩薩,其各居一座仙山,地
Samantabhadra, and Manjushri. Each deity is believed to reside on 藏菩薩居安徽九華山。據傳,《地藏經》
one of the four sacred mountains, Jiuhuashan being the residence of 於唐朝自梵文翻譯成漢文,地藏菩薩在中
Ksitigarbha. The Kstigarbha Sutra is thought to have been translated 國之形像亦於此時出現。從敦煌壁畫及現
into Chinese from its original Sanskrit during the Tang dynasty, and 存銅像可見地藏菩薩於此時期之形像,造
the first Chinese images of the deity originate in this period. The
quantity of images at Dunhuang, as well as surviving bronzes, show an 《地藏菩薩本願經》記載,地藏菩薩曾為
early appreciation for the bodhisattva. Ksitigarbha is often shown with 婆羅門女,母親生前造孽,身後婆羅門女
a five-point crown, a cintamani pearl, and a khakara staff. 至誠念佛。其母承孝女布施供養之功德,
The sutra of Ksitigarbha explains that the deity was born a Brahmin 發「地獄不空,誓不成佛」宏誓,文殊菩薩
maiden during mortal life. Her mother committed wrongful acts 宣示,婆羅門女成就菩薩果位,為地藏菩
and when she died, the maiden was afraid for her mother’s fate in 薩,救地獄衆生。
the afterlife. She prayed fervently to Buddha. Once during deep
meditation, she passed through the gates of an underworld. There
she learned that her mother had been pulled out from the depths and
saved, thanks to the daughter’s efforts and offerings. The maiden was
so moved by the plight of the wretched souls she saw in the hellish
underworld that she vowed to save them all. Manjushri then declared
that the maiden was Ksitigarbha bodhisattva, a savior of lost souls.