Page 42 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist Art, New York
P. 42


                   lthough there are few clues to the present figure’s identity,
                   one five-point crown, paired with the present mudra,      觀本像所飾五方佛冠及手印,當為地藏菩
             A unmistakably belongs to Ksitigarbha. Aside from Vairocana,    薩。中國佛教形象中,除大日如來佛外,
             Chinese Buddhist iconography does not typically grant a crown   其他佛像形象多不飾五智冠。各菩薩多
             holding five Tathagata Buddha figures to any other deity. Unlike other   有不同形像,密宗諸佛有忿怒形像或多手
             bodhisattvas, Ksitigarbha has fewer forms and emanations—the    造型,地藏菩薩則造型慈悲而人性化,作
             depictions of a wrathful, multi-armed Tantric deity are not associated   男身。地藏菩薩造型一致,皆因中國大乘
             with this god of the underworld; rather, the variations unwaveringly   明顯。《地藏經》傳由唐代實叉難陀譯,
             keep Ksitigarbha human, peaceful, and male. This homogeneity in   然而據現時發現《地藏經》未見有梵文版
             depiction is owed to the strength of Chinese Mahayana worship of   本,故此亦有質疑此說。
             this deity, as opposed to Tibetan and Tantric practice. While it is
             thought that the Ksitigarbha Sutra was translated into Chinese from   地藏及觀音,在中國同屬信衆極廣之菩
             the original Sanskrit by the Tang dynasty monk Siksananda, to date   觀音菩薩為女身造型,地藏菩薩像則全屬
             no Sanskrit versions of the sutra have been discovered, suggesting a   男身。觀音形像甚為多變,其漢化及性別
             possible domestic Chinese composition.                          的轉變,或因慈悲形像更容易得到信衆擁
             The uniform depictions of Ksitigarbha are particularly interesting when   畏形象(見本拍賣編號304對地藏菩薩本
             contrasted with the evolution of the iconography of Avalokiteshvara,   願經的討論)。
             another bodhisattva fully embraced by Chinese Buddhist practitioners.
             Both deities have origin stories within Chinese mythology that include   參考一明代銅鎏金大日如來像,寳冠、寳
             a young maiden, however, out of the two deities, only Avalokiteshvara   飾、冠旁垂帶及胸前萬字紋飾均與本像相
             has ever been depicted in relation to such an image. The sinicization,   近,出自英國私人收藏,售於倫敦蘇富比
             gender transformation, and multiple emanations of Avalokiteshvara   佳士得2011年9月15日,編號1383,風格、
             even within the Mahayana practice are numerous, and are perhaps   紋飾與本品相近;再比一明代銅鎏金地藏
             manifestations of the universal appeal of an endlessly compassionate   菩薩例,五方冠及寳飾與本品相近,售於
             deity, in contrast to the perhaps intimidating and daunting vow of   紐約佳士得2018年5月15日,編號166。
             Ksitigarbha (for discussion of the sutra of Ksitibarbha, see lot 304).
             Compare a closely related gilt-bronze figure of Vairocana, with a
             similar crown, jewelry, flanking ribbons, and wan symbol inscribed
             on the chest, attributed to the Ming period, from an English private
             collection and sold in our London rooms 8th November 2017, lot 69,
             and another of similar casting and design, sold at Christie’s New York,
             15th September 2011, lot 1383. Compare as well a gilt-bronze figure of
             Ksitigarbha, also with a similar crown and embellishments, attributed
             to the Ming dynasty, sold at Christie’s New York, 15th May 2018,
             lot 166.
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