Page 182 - Irving Collection Part II Chinese Art
P. 182

              L A C Q U E R  •  J A D E  •  B R O N Z E  •  I N K  T H E R V I N G  C O L L E C T I O N  髹金飾玉 - 歐雲伉儷珍藏

                                     1222                                                    1223

            1222     A PAINTED GREY POTTERY FIGURE                  1223     A STRAW-GLAZED POTTERY STANDING
                                                                             FIGURE OF A MALE ATTENDANT
                     OF A COURT LADY
                     CHINA, HAN DYNASTY (206 BC-AD 220)                      CHINA, SUI DYNASTY (AD 581-618)
                     Dressed in long robes faring at the bottom and          Shown standing with hands clasped at the chest,
                     highlighted with red borders, the hands clasped         wearing long robes over loose trousers, with traces
                     within the sleeves at the lower waist                   of black and red pigments
                     12æ in. (32.4 cm.) high                                 17Ω in. (44.5 cm.) high
                     $2,000-4,000                                            $4,000-6,000

                     PROVENANCE                                              PROVENANCE
                     Ralph M. Chait Galleries, New York, 1983.               C.T. Loo & Cie., Paris, 1984.
                     The Irving Collection, no. 714.                         The Irving Collection, no. 741.

                     漢   彩繪陶仕女俑                                              隋   白釉仕官俑

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