Page 19 - Irving Collection Part II Chinese Art
P. 19

FLORENCE                      AND          HERBERT                   IRVING

                                                                       A  T R I B U T E

                                  Each morning at fve o’clock, the entrepreneur   his aunts in the Bronx. Florence Irving described her
                                  and philanthropist Herbert Irving awoke to greet his    own father as “a gambler and an entrepreneur.” “I went
                                  art. Together with his wife, Florence, Mr. Irving had   to school one day in a chaufeured car,” she recalled of
                                  transformed his family’s New York residence into a jewel   her family’s tenuous circumstances, “and the next day
                                  box of masterworks from across the canon of Asian art.   didn’t have enough money to take the trolley.” As the
                                  “He communes with the pieces,” Mrs. Irving laughed    couple’s son, Ron Irving, would observe, “The world
                                  of her husband’s morning ritual. “You know how plant   my parents grew into is not the world they grew up in.”
                                  people talk to their plants?” Mr. Irving, for his part, was   What the two young New Yorkers shared was a keen
                                  unfazed by the comparison. “We don’t have a house,”    interest in art, culture, and history, with the galleries of
                                  he mused, “we have a warehouse. If I have it, I want to   the Brooklyn Museum serving as a kind of second home
                                  see it.”                                     in which they could marvel at the wonders of the ancient
                                                                               and modern worlds.
                                  For Florence and Herbert Irving, the opportunity to live
                                  in dialogue with their extraordinary collection of Asian   Inspired by President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
                                  sculpture, ceramics, painting, and decorative art was   Depression-era ‘freside chats,’ the precocious Herbert
                                  an incomparable experience—an opportunity forged   Irving was studying Economics at the University of
                                  through unstinting personal scholarship and friendship   Pennsylvania’s Wharton School by the age of sixteen.
                                  with the world’s foremost scholars. “We don’t only   He paid for his education by working jobs throughout
                                  collect artifacts,” Mr. Irving said. “We collect people.”   the year, including as a summertime waiter at a
                                  Across more than a half century, the Irvings assembled   Catskills resort. A fellow server introduced Mr. Irving
                                  one of the world’s foremost private collections of Asian   to his sister, Florence Rapoport, a student at New York
                                  art, a grouping recognized for its remarkable quality and   University who would become Mr. Irving’s beloved wife
                                  beauty. Yet as Mr. Irving so astutely observed, it was   and partner in art, family, and philanthropy for over
                                  the couple’s dedication to people—from the experts   seventy-fve years. After obtaining his Master’s degree
                                  who helped shape their collection to the countless   from Wharton, Mr. Irving set out to become a teacher.
                                  New Yorkers who beneftted from their largesse—that   Like many young men of the era, his plans were put on
                                  defnes the generous vision that is the Irving legacy.   hold by the onset of the Second World War. The Irvings
                                                                               were married just one week after the events at Pearl
                                  A NEW YORK STORY                             Harbor; Mr. Irving soon enlisted in the United States
                                  Herbert Irving and Florence Rapoport were born in   Army, and in 1943 joined the confict in Europe. He
                                  Brooklyn in 1917 and 1920, respectively. Their lives   landed at Normandy just after D-Day, and advanced
                                  would be greatly shaped by the modest circumstances   with his regiment through France, Belgium, and
                                  in which they were both raised: neither would forget   Germany. It was during the war that Mr. Irving made his
                                  the importance of sharing their later success with the   frst ‘acquisition’ of art: glassware from the Val Saint
                                  less fortunate. Herbert Irving’s mother died when he   Lambert factory in Belgium, sold so it could be saved
                                  was just thirteen years old, leaving him to be raised by   from future enemy attack.

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