Page 66 - Irving Collection Part II Chinese Art
P. 66

              L A C Q U E R  •  J A D E  •  B R O N Z E  •  I N K  T H E R V I N G  C O L L E C T I O N  髹金飾玉 - 歐雲伉儷珍藏


              Carved on both sides with scholars and attendants amidst trees in a   The compact size of the present screen would have made it ideal for the
              mountainous retreat, with an attendant carrying a qin approaching two   scholar’s table, and it is perhaps due to this particular function that screens
              scholars on one side and a scholar and an attendant on the reverse, with   of this type often depict scenes of immortals, scholars, or the refned
              a pavilion at the top of each scene, the stone of even, pale greenish white   pleasures of the literati class. The tranquil subject matter of scholars in a
              tone with a few minor, mottled snowy inclusions       mountainous landscape would have provided stimulus for the scholar upon
                                                                    whose table it was placed. It has been suggested that table screens may
              7Ω in. (19 cm.) high, hongmu stand
                                                                    have drawn inspiration from the cut and polished plaques of fgured white
                                                                    marble which were traditionally framed and hung in a scholar’s studio.
                                                                    Compare the scholarly subject matter depicted on two imperially inscribed
              Spink & Son, Ltd., London, 1983.
                                                                    white jade table screens dated to the Qing dynasty, illustrated in The Refned
              The Irving Collection no. 417.
                                                                    Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the
                                                                    Ch’ing Court, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1997, pp. 198-99, no. 68, and
                                                                    pp. 200-201, no. 69.  See, also, a white jade table screen of slightly smaller
                                                                    size, dated to the Qianlong period (1736-1795), carved with a similar scene of
                                                                    scholars and their attendant carrying a qin amidst pine trees and inscribed
                                                                    with a poem describing the scene, sold at Christie’s, London, 10 November
                                                                    2015, lot 135.
                                                                    清十八世紀   白玉高士訪友圖插屏

                               (alternate view)

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