Page 18 - Nov. 2019 Christie's Hong Kong Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 18

fig. 1  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei  fig. 2  Former collection of J. M. Hu, sold at Christie's Hong Kong,
                         எӬ  இ⛁ᘢ༈ࢷ⁒㩴⻦৅                                     30 May 2005, Lot 1239
                                                               எՀ  ⫽ዃᛌ⯠⻦卿㲞ᳰצ೥ᇑ卿     ჺ   ᝲ    ᚚ卿ᐽ৅      ⽚

         2906 Continued
         With the technical advances and virtuosity of porcelain production   Գ㪏ᇙ⚨ᅐἃᶕ㑷⎑Ⴝཌᙲഞ㉑㈷⎏㘤᭯卿ㅳה߅पᅴ֎ᘤӶऱឬ㐏⎏
         during the Qianlong period, potters from the official kilns were able to   ≢଍卿ൈ֎ណǮ֎ᶜǮ֎⒢Ǯ֎㠩✙଍⁒卿⩧ទᐽ৅᫈ྏ֎㠩㯸ߣǯཝ
         experiment with different ways and techniques to satisfy the emperor's   ᅸ՞ݣࡠ⎏ᛓ卿ទ‐⢙भऒ㬪㠩଍ࣿằ㞖㠩଍Ԡ݉⡵卿ऑᯒ᧘ࣇ֎ऒ゗
         penchant for the curious and archaic. Porcelain was frequently used to
         simulate works of art made from other media, including hardstones,   ⡠卿ӳᙼ៏⒢⣔㞏卿ᚺ㰆֎ᘤਦॶ㬪㠩଍Ԡ⎪ᬄࣿ⡠㱈厎ݯ㱛ׅ⧡ߺᶕ
         cloisonné enamels, wood, lacquer, and in this instance bronze. The   ⧜ㆁⰰ㞏卿ӳằ㞖⟾卿᧘֎ᚺ᳖ᛞឆᙔ՞ᡪӳ჎㇦⎏ằ㞖㠩‐ǯ㪃ࢎս
         present censer is all the more unusual as it incorporates elements of   Ӷऱ㞏ⰰ⠦भऒի݉⡵卿ज㋵ߣ߅ᇵㅅ卿ࢎᇵℒ㙛ǯ
         both archaic bronzes and later gilt-splashed bronzes. The moulded
         band of cicada blades applied with greenish-turquoise around the   ൈ᫉ヿ㙤Ꮫᯧ㬳჎ཐ㇦ǯஇ⛁ᘢ༈ࢷ⁒㩴⻦ӬԳ㪏≢‐卿ऱ᧙ᙼऒ㠩㞏
         mouth is undoubtedly an effort to imitate the patina and decorations   ࣿ៏⒢⣔㞏卿ֿஎᡪӶӬ᧙卿㱈㧷ݏ䂆⡠卿ⶬ㢙ᙻ      ჺझ࢈߅‸Ƕᘢ
         found on archaic bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties. On the   ༈᫓ջ㲞ݰஎ㢙Ƿ卿எ‸   ǯऔ㇦Ӭ⢑‐≡⏁卿㞏ⰰ⏟㯸卿㇦߿ᔘᝧ卿
         other hand, the russet glaze suffused with gold dust is reminiscent
         of the gilt-splashed bronze censers from the later Ming and Qing   எ‸    ⽚卻ॲː卼ǯըὙԠ⯠⻦Ӭ։≢⫭‐卿ऱ᧙⢙भऒ㠩㞏ࣿ៏⒢
         dynasties, often made for the scholar’s desks.    ⣔㞏ս֎ᾅ㬪㠩ᙹ䀢⡠㱈卿     ჺ    ᝲ    ᚚᙻ㲞ᳰ⼖༛ᬘᐽ㐈卿ᐽ৅
                                                               ⽚ǯ⫽ዃᛌ⯠⻦Ӭ֎㠩≢㈓卿     ჺ   ᝲ    ᚚᙻ㲞ᳰצ೥ᇑᐽ㐈卿
         Porcelain censers combining these two elements are extremely rare. A
         censer which is similarly enamelled in turquoise and gilt-russet in imitation   ᐽ৅      ⽚卻ॲ̤卼卿Քज㏱ࣻ⩠ǯ
         of gilt-bronze, but with a different pattern featuring dragons reserved in   औजࣻ⩠Ӭ։⫽ዃᛌ⯠⻦ǮԳ㪏᪪≢⫭֎㤒㞖ᓌ⢵⇈⇶Ӳ㑷‐卿     ჺ
         cartouches, is in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, included in A Special
         Exhibition of Incense Burners and Perfumers Throughout the Dynasties,     ᝲ    ᚚ卿ᐽ৅      ⽚ǯ
         1994, illustrated in the Catalogue, no. 83. Another censer with a similar
         colour scheme, as part of a set with an incense box and tool vase, is
         illustrated ibid., no. 89 (fig. 1). A porcelain censer in the form of a fangding,
         also combining turquoise and russet, was formerly in the E.T. Chow
         Collection, sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 16 December 1980, lot 528, and
         a gu-shaped vase from the J.M. Hu Collection was sold at Christie’s Hong
         Kong, 30 May 2005, lot 1239 (fig. 2).
         Compare also to a porcelain tripod censer decorated in a variety of
         colours in imitation of cloisonné enamels, formerly in the J.M. Hu
         Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2005, lot 1240.

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