Page 34 - Fine Chinese Works of Art Bonhams Hong Kong May 2018
P. 34

It is very rare to find a gilt-bronze figure of Guanyin, the Goddess of   此尊觀音體量碩大,金彩流麗整潔,成色極佳,面容溫婉慈和,陽剛
           Mercy, together with Shancai, the Child of Wealth, of such remarkable   及陰柔並存。面向圓潤,雙眼微合,目光下斂,表情和悅,睿智深
           size and exceptional quality. The present lot is an outstanding   沉。觀音頭戴髮箍,正面飾阿彌陀佛,身著通肩大衣,衣紋厚重寫
           sculpture of its type in the extraordinary attention to detail and   實,衣緣處鏨纏枝花卉,胸前裝瓔珞,屈膝而坐,身前坐善財童子,
           sculptural qualities. The intimate relationship between the two figures   右手持鞀鼓,左手被觀音一手托起,刻畫寫實,意趣盎然。
           is beautifully depicted in the gentle clasping of hands and tender
           gaze of the goddess at the boy. The robes of both figures fall and fold   漢以後,佛教初傳入中土,漸漸出現鎏金銅像等佛教藝作。至唐一
           naturalistically with the hems finely incised, enhancing the gilt surface.   朝,造像仍相對較小巧,及至遼代,契丹入主中原,較大型的佛教造
           The rattle held by the boy is mirrored by the prayer bead necklace held  像才逐漸出現,與此同時,造像風格漸趨簡約。明初,朝廷大興工藝
           by the goddess. A sculpture of such impressive size and refinement   事業,鎏金佛像風格別開生面,技藝登峰造極,成就空前,為後朝奠
           would have been specially commissioned for private worship or as a   定佛像經典,至明中晚期,佛教造像藝術風格向漢傳佛教回歸的同
           gift to a favoured temple.                        時,依然保留藏傳造像的影響,此時的漢藏風格融為一體,使漢地佛
           Shancai is the Chinese interpretation of Sudhana, who is the   像中罕見一例。
           protagonist in the next-to-last and longest chapter of the Avatamsaka
           Sutra. The connection between Shancai and Guanyin is well   明代小說《南海觀音全傳》中就已經有對觀音菩薩及善財童子的描
           established in the The Complete Tale of Guanyin and the Southern   寫,善財童子在《華嚴經·入法界品》中被描述為修菩薩道行者的榜
           Seas, which was completed in the 16th century. In this tale Shancai   樣。《法華經普門品》中也記載:「欲求男。禮拜供養觀世音菩薩。
           was described as a disabled boy from India who was passionate about  便生福德智慧之男。設欲求女。便生端正有相之女」,因此觀音菩薩
           the Buddha’s teachings and journeyed to Mount Putuo to learn from   懷抱幼童作為造像的藝術形制後來在漢地中原便被稱為「送子觀音」
           the bodhisattva. However, the depiction of both can be seen in earlier   。現藏台北國立故宮博物院的「元趙奕畫大士像」也出現了觀音及善
           periods, as demonstrated on a Yuan dynasty hanging scroll, in the   財童子的形象,館藏編號故-畫-001957。而此尊觀音善財童子像,在
           National Palace Museum, Taipei, museum no.GH001957.   明代中晚期佛教造像藝術中則極為少見。

           Compare related gilt-bronze figures of Guanyin, but without   此尊送子觀音鑄造精良,結構勻稱,雕刻亦細緻入微,為明代中晚期
           attendants; see a slightly larger gilt-bronze figure of a seated Guanyin   漢地觀音造像經典難得之作。傳世品中,目前暫未見其他帶有善財童
           holding a scroll, 17th century, which was sold at Christie’s London, 8   子的觀音造像,獨立的觀音造像,可見原Kierulff舊藏一件十七世紀銅
           November 2016, lot 114; see also another one of similar size to the   鎏金觀音坐像,後於倫敦佳士得售出,2016年11月8日,拍品114;
           present lot, which was sold at Christie’s London, 10 May 2016, lot   另又一例,尺寸相比此尊送子觀音較小,售於倫敦佳士得,2016年5
           16; and compare another slightly smaller gilt-bronze figure of Guanyin   月10日,拍品16;另見倫敦蘇富比曾售出十七世紀銅鎏金柳葉觀音坐
           with the right hand holding a willow, 17th century, which was sold at   像,2014年5月14日,拍品88。
           Sotheby’s London, 14 May 2014, lot 88.

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