Page 62 - Asian Art December 2017 Lempertz (German Text)
P. 62

118                                              119

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            Kitagawa Utamaro II (?-1831)     Hosoda Eishi (1756-1829)         Various artists of the 18th/19th century

            Ôban, probably part of triptych. Oiran   Ôban, middle section of triptych.    17 single and double page album
            walking around a festival with kamuro,   Gathering shells on Shinagawa beach.    illustrations and one ôban. Various
            shinzô and servant. Signed: Utamaro   A boy brings flounders to a party    subjects (actors, historical figures, birds)
            hitsu. Publisher: Yamaguchiya Tôbei.   of three women. Signed: Eishi ga.    by various artists (including Utagawa
            Censor: kiwame. Date: VIII/1810.    Publisher: Izumiya Ichibei. 1790.    Kunisada, Katsukawa Shunshô, Yana-
                                                                              gawa Shigenobu and Kitao Shigemasa).
            € 500 – 700                      € 800 – 1.000                    (18)
                                                                              Collection Dr. Heribert Vogt

                                                                              € 200 – 250                             Foto online

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