Page 39 - Lally Black&White
P. 39
18. A C a r v e d D i n g y a o W h i t e P o r c e l a i n F o l i a t e B o w l
Northern Song Dynasty (A.D. 960–1127)
the gently rounded wide flaring sides rising from a square-cut low ring foot, divided into six petal-
lobes by incised radiating lines on the exterior rising to shallow notches around the rim and with
corresponding shallow raised ribs on the interior, freely carved on the interior with a large lotus
bloom rising on a slender stalk extending across the recessed central medallion, with a scallop-
edged lotus leaf shown in profile and long stems bearing curly leaves and two smaller lotus blooms,
all loosely arranged to fill the sides below an incised line border, with a transparent glaze of pale
ivory tone all over, gathering in characteristic ‘tear marks’ on the exterior, the lip rim unglazed
exposing the fine white porcelain.
Diameter 83⁄8 inches (21.3 cm)
A Dingyao white porcelain bowl of similar form carved with a very similar lotus pattern in the National Palace Museum,
Taipei, is published in Illustrated Catalogue of Sung Dynasty Porcelain in the National Palace Museum: Ting Ware and Ting-Type
Ware, Taipei, 1973, no. 19. Another Dingyao bowl of related form carved with a very similar pattern in the Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston, is illustrated by Tseng and Dart in The Charles B. Hoyt Collection in the Museum of Fine Arts: Boston, Vol. II,
Boston, 1972, no. 27. Compare also the conical Dingyao bowl carved with a very similar lotus design in the Baur Collection,
Geneva, illustrated by Ayers, The Baur Collection, Vol. I, Geneva, 1968, no. A11.
北宋 定窰白瓷劃花葵口碗 徑 21.3 厘米