Page 69 - Lally Black&White
P. 69

33. A C a r v e d W h i t e - G l a z e d C i z h o u S t o n e w a r e V a s e ( Y U H U C H U N P I N G )

       Song-Yuan Dynasty, A.D. 13th–14th Century

       of pear shape, tapering to a slender neck and trumpet mouth, covered with a creamy-white slip and
       decorated with two wide bands of lotus, lily pads and foliage, all freely carved through the white
       slip to the pale stoneware ground and covered with a transparent glaze, below a collar of zig-zag
       leaves and discs in the same technique around the base of the neck, with incised line details
       throughout, the zones of decoration divided by multiple line borders, the glaze ending above the
       thick ring foot with splayed sides and chamfered edge, the recessed base splashed with white slip.

       Height 111⁄2 inches (29.2 cm)

       From the Collection of Alexander J. Argyropoulos, Athens, Ambassador to China from Greece in the
       late 1940s, acquired before 1950

         A very similar yuhuchun ping with lotus decoration which was shown at several museums in Japan in the traveling exhibition
         organized by the Kau Chi Society of Hong Kong is illustrated in the exhibition catalogue entitled Two Thousand Years of Chinese
         Ceramics, Tokyo, 1992, p. 43, no. 33.

       宋/元 磁州白釉刻花玉壺春瓶 高 29.2 厘米
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