Page 17 - Sothebys Imperial Porcelain Private Collection
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Masterfully potted and covered in a luminous glaze, this   此盌清雅婉約,釉色瑩潤,雍正崇古尚雅的審美意趣可窺
                            elegant bowl embodies the Yongzheng Emperor’s refined   一斑。本盌意仿南宋龍泉青釉器,其釉面凝滑,雖外觀樸
                            aesthetic which stemmed from his passion for antiquity.   雅內斂,然瓷胎造形巧緻,罩釉均勻純淨,燒造溫度難
                            Inspired by Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279) Longquan
                            celadon wares, the delicate glaze accentuates the expertise   控,工匠於每環節務必精準把握,佳器方成。菊瓣式瓷器
                            required at all stages of porcelain production, from the   製作複雜,傳世品寥寥可數。香港蘇富比曾售兩例,其一
                            potting and glazing to the firing and finishing. The difficulty in   出自玫茵堂,見康蕊君,《玫茵堂藏中國瓷器》,卷2,
                            manufacturing such a deceptively simple vessel is evident by   倫敦,1994-2000年,圖版860,2013年4月8日拍出,
                            the small number of extant examples; two were sold in these
                            rooms, one from the Meiyintang collection, illustrated in Regina
                                                                      展於《Qing Porcelain from a Private Collection》,埃斯
                            Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol.
                            II, London, 1994-2010, pl. 860, sold, 8th April 2013, lot 5, and   卡納齊,倫敦,2012年,編號4。
                            the other, 17th May 1988, lot 71; and a third bowl was included
                            in the exhibition Qing Porcelain from a Private Collection,   雍正年間,官窰尚有製作其他菊瓣式瓷器,如盤、茶壺及
                            Eskenazi Ltd., London, 2012, cat. no. 4.  盌。官窰工匠奉命以歷代名瓷為楷模,而且雍正博學通
                            During the Yongzheng period, the chrysanthemum-form was   才、好古善鑑,此類菊瓣式器復現,或有賴於此。薛好
                            employed for a number of wares including dishes, teapots   佩於其文〈In the path of Tao Qian: ‘Chrysanthemum’
                            and bowls. While potters working in the imperial kilns were   Wares of the Yongzheng Emperor〉中,論及雍正時期
                            instructed to create vessels based on past celebrated wares of
                            China, the renaissance of this form could be also attributed to
                            the Emperor’s broad and thorough studies. Hajni Elias, ‘In the
                            Path of Tao Qian: “Chrysanthemum” Wares of the Yongzheng   《Arts of Asia》,2015年5-6月,頁72-85)。此外,盃
                            Emperor’, Arts of Asia, May-June 2015, pp. 72-85, suggests   飾菊花二十八瓣,或對應二十八星宿,即中國古天文學家
                            that these wares may have served as iconographic symbols
                            related to Tao Qian (365-427), whose reclusive life associating
                            with chrysanthemum embodied many Daoist ideals that were   為四象,每象七宿:東方青龍、北方玄武、西方白虎、
                            greatly sought after by the Emperor, a devoted follower of   南方朱雀。雍正頗好研究天象,故取消康熙禁例,准國
                            the religion. Furthermore, the number of petals that forms   子監招天文學生員(Hans Ulrich Vogel 與 Gunter Dux
                            this bowl likely refers to the Twenty-Eight Mansions from   編,《Concepts of Nature. A Chinese-European Cross-
                            ancient Chinese astrology, which mark the movement of the
                            moon during a month. These mansions are divided into four   Cultural Perspective》,萊登,2010年,頁388)。
                            categories of seven, namely the Blue Dragon of the East,
                            the Black Tortoise of the North, the White Tiger of the West
                            and the Red Bird of the South. The Yongzheng Emperor’s
                            interest in astrology is evidenced in his admittance of imperial
                            students with specialisations in astrology into the dynastic
                            schools, thus lifting the ban the Kangxi Emperor had placed
                            on such candidates (see Hans Ulrich Vogel and Gunter Dux
                            (eds), Concepts of Nature. A Chinese-European Cross-Cultural
                            Perspective, Leiden, 2010, p. 388).

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