Page 37 - Christie's Fine Chinese Qianlong's Bronze Auction September 13, 2018
P. 37

1890 Wu Dacheng completes a compen-  1940 C. T. Loo (1880-1957), prominent   The Zuo Bao Yi Gui is   1980 The Zuo Bao   1988 The Zuo Bao   1998 The Zuo
      dium of ink rubbings of bronze inscrip-  dealer of Chinese art, exhibits the   in the Edward T. Chow   Yi Gui is acquired   Yi Gui is published    Bao Yi Gui is
      tions, Kezhai jigu lu, which includes   Zuo Bao Yi Gui at the Detroit Institute   Collection.  by distinguished   in The Bella and P.P.   acquired by the
      an ink rubbing of the present Zuo Bao   of Arts.              本件作寶彝簋為仇焱之         Chinese art dealer,   Chiu Collection of   current owner
      Yi Gui.                             盧芹齋在底特律美術館舉辦青銅器展覽,本       所藏。                Giuseppe Eskenazi.  Ancient Chinese   from Michael
      吳大澂作《愙齋集古錄》,遍收當日所見                  件作寶彝簋第一次在西方公開展出。                             本件作寶彝簋為著名   Bronzes.    Goedhuis.
      彝器銘文拓片,其中包括本件作寶彝簋的                                                               中國藝術品行家埃斯   本件作寶彝簋為趙不   本件作寶彝簋由
      銘文拓片。                                                                            卡納齊購藏。      波所藏,著錄於《趙   Michael Goedhuis售
                                                                                                   氏山海樓所藏古代青   予現藏家。
        1880s         1890s–1930s     1940s       1950s       1960s       1970s      1980s      1990s       2000s

               1883 Wu Dacheng publishes his seminal   1944-1947 Chen Mengjia
               work on epigraphy, Shuowen guzhou bu.  (1911-1966), a leading
               吳大澂作《說文古籀補》,以先秦鐘鼎彝器銘  Chinese antiquarian,
               文補正許慎《說文解字》。          visits the U.S. and com-
                                     piles a comprehensive                   1970 The Metropolitan
                                     survey of Chinese archaic               Museum of Art, New York
                                     bronzes in American                     holds the exhibition The Great
                                     collections, including                  Bronze Age of China, present-
                                     the  Zuo Bao Yi Gui.
                                                                             ing 105 bronzes, jades, and
                                     陳夢家訪美,遍訪包括本件                            terracotta objects found in
                                     作寶彝簋在内的美國公、私                            recent archaeological
                                     收藏青銅器。                                  discoveries and loaned by the
                                                                             Chinese government for the
                                                                             frst time outside of China.
                                                                             紐約大都會博物館舉辦《The Great
                                                                             Bronze Age of China》大展,由中
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