Page 16 - Jindezhen Porcelain Production of the 19th C. by Ellen Huang, Univ. San Diego 2008
P. 16
China’s china: Jingdezhen Porcelain and the Production of Art in the Nineteenth Century
Ellen Huang
Doctor of Philosophy in History
University of California, San Diego, 2008
Professor Joseph W. Esherick, Co-Chair
Professor Paul G. Pickowicz, Co-Chair
My dissertation examines the interaction between global political-economic
transformations and changing concepts of Chinese art in the nineteenth century. Its focus
is on the porcelain from the renowned "porcelain city," Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province of
southeast China. Jingdezhen has been the center of world porcelain production since the
thirteenth century. Although Jingdezhen’s porcelain industries experienced tremendous
changes and upheaval during the nineteenth century– including expanding overseas trade,
decimation by the Taiping rebels in 1853, reinstatement of imperial patronage by the
Qing Court during the Tongzhi Restoration – scholars of science, art, and Jingdezhen
history alike rarely investigate this period. Contrary to scholarly consensus, the